Hello mom...... its been 14 years since you have seen our Lord. We - TopicsExpress


Hello mom...... its been 14 years since you have seen our Lord. We have thought of you everyday in many special ways. Your love even in your physical absence remains alive in our hearts forever. Your sickness and heartaches you suffered for so long, no longer deprive you of the peace , love, and joy you so richly deserved. As much as we love you so, we would not call you back to this old troubled and sin filled world. Not much has changed since you have been gone, but there is one thing for certain we will soon be coming home. All your grandchildren one day you will see and together they will stand with little Karlee. I miss our talks and hearing your wisdom as you always had words of comfort and strength from Gods word. We are all getting older and longing for the day, when Jesus comes back to take us all away. No more separation, no sorrow or death will ever separate us from loved ones we still hold dear to our hearts. Its Easter and we know that was one of your favorite times of the year. Laughter and smiles family gatherings, and church events everywhere. Love being shared as we all gathered around. I awake this morning to thank God for your life that we were blessed to share and the one you now have with family and friends there. Not sure if God shares his thoughts with you all up there but I know you hear rejoicing when another soul is saved down here. We love you mom and we always will. You remain in our hearts and your love we still share. We hear often of how sweet you were to others when you walked in this life down here. Your kind words spoken, or written in card or on a note that everyone held dear. Your inspiration has kept many pressing on and your example as a wife and mother still is remember by all. Every time we have home coming or family and Friends day, I think of your dressing, corn, potatoe salad, and even though I didnt like it your hominy too. That special steak of BBQ spam, where it was sliced on a bread pan and covered with ketchup and cooked in the oven, till it was brown..... that chocolate pudding was my favorite dessert, and the times you let us have a push up when we would go to the store. Your favorite gift to us every Christmas, it seemed, those flannel shirts that never did fit. We always found someone who could wear them and passed them alone. You always have us a receipt just in case they didnt fit, but we would not exchange it or change it one little bit. Money was sparse but we didnt need alot, because you always taught us God took care of his flock. You raised us and taught us with many other children through time, and your labors were not in vain, because no one ever forgot. I know you cant read this but it is my special time, to think of your smiling face and undying grace. Mom we miss you very much but God stays in touch. He has saved us all, and I know you would be proud, to know all of us and your grandchildren are in church somewhere. We are not all in the same place, as God has and is using us in many ways, but there is one thing for certain when it is all said and done, we will stand together around Gods throne. Life here is not perfect by any means and the devil is still causing division among this world and all. We look forward for the day when Jesus will say, well done and welcome home to stay. Give Karlee a hug from us all, and tell her, all the friends and loved ones there we will soon be home. Mom, we love and miss you. It may just be that. When Jesus comes to get us, we will see him first then He just may let us see you at his right side. ... Surely for me, Heaven is sounding sweeter all the time. Love always, Terry
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 10:48:13 +0000

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