Here are my thoughts on the recent AKP victory for Erdoğan in - TopicsExpress


Here are my thoughts on the recent AKP victory for Erdoğan in Turkey. Its hilarious how after the MSM reported for the past year how the Turkish people were supposedly all but openly revolting against Erdoğan, they arent even reporting that his AKP party won the recent elections in Turkey. I have a few thoughts about this. 1) A countrys capital rarely represents it. Google a map of Turkey and while youre at it, Google a map of the regions of Turkey that voted AKP. Istanbul, a Western tourist hub, may be what the Kemalists would like you to think represents the whole of Turkey, but the rest of the country is far more conservative and, in many cases, rural. Likewise, theres more to Egypt than Cairo. The rest of Egypt is much more conservative than Cairo. Throughout the rest of Egypt there was a conspicuous absence of protests against Morsi. Theres more to Afghanistan than Kabul. The rest of Afghanistan is fiercely conservative and, regardless of what we think of the Taliban, they preferred them over any other alternative. They didnt like them (nor do I), but they werent kidnapping their women and children like the warlords weve been supporting have done over the past 30 years. These are just two examples of how our media misguides us by presenting a small affluent sliver of society in another country to spuriously represent the whole. Imagine if we Americans were represented abroad only by the city of Los Angeles? Errrr wait. We are. Do you think American Hustle represents you? No, right? Well, it represents me but...back to the topic. 2) It doesnt matter that our leaders are corrupt. YOURS better not be! This is patently absurd and ridiculous. We have presidents guilty of, and getting away with, impeachable offenses. We have a president who has presided over the NSA hijacking your smartphone camera and watching you take a shower as it rests on the counter. Yet, Erdoğan blocks YouTube and Twitter and we act like he committed genocide against peace loving Ewoks. Yes, blocking Twitter and YouTube was utterly stupid and a travesty for any free democratic society but lets look at our own government and put things into perspective. We Americans have perfected double standards and hypocrisy into an Olympic sport. 3) Democracy is when a society elects their leaders. It is not when a society elects leaders that America approves of. Recent reports (in concert with reports trickling out since July of last year) indicate that we were the ones who funded the Tamarod protests in Egypt last year in the first place. Someone find that Shut ub your mouse, Obama woman and kick her in the spleen. (Just kidding. Dont do that.) So you can imagine what other revolutions we have orchestrated. These recent reports support my personal theory, which I held from the beginning, that this farcical so-called Arab Spring is totally a concoction of our own intelligence agencies. The Arabs are simply incapable of pulling off something like that on their own. Hopefully, one day they will be without foreign manipulation but they definitely arent capable of it in their current socio-political condition. What this all points to is that we need to focus a whole lot more on interests within our own borders which have been morosely neglected. This is somewhat related to a much bigger issue though. From the bungled and baseless war in Iraq to our covert ops orchestrating government overthrows in Egypt (successful) and Turkey (failure) we need to look at whom Erdoğan has been speaking out against and who has been behind each and every one of these overseas operations that are in no interest of the American people. Israel. Recipient of THREE FREAKING BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR of our American tax dollars. If they are Gods chosen people —who happen to have an undisclosed and unofficial nuclear arsenal that at up to 400 warheads would make them the third largest nuclear power in the world after the USA and Russia— theyll do just fine without us. If theyre in danger after we cut the umbilical cord then maybe theyre NOT Gods chosen people. Maybe theyre just like the rest of us. And maybe, like the rest of us, they need to take care of themselves now and the entire planet shouldnt be subject to their interests. Maybe the future of Turkey, and the rest of the world, shouldnt need to conform to what makes Israel comfortable. Think about it and dont let anyone tell you that you cant change it.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:54:59 +0000

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