Here is Pastor Dons TAKE FIVE: Here are a few quick things on - TopicsExpress


Here is Pastor Dons TAKE FIVE: Here are a few quick things on my mind this evening: 1. Sony Studios bowed to threats of violence from North Korea and abruptly cancelled the Christmas Day premiere of their new film, The Interview. Lil Kim Jong Uns people intimidated Sony by hacking into their emails a few days ago-- the most serious example of the new kind of cyber- terrorism that is beginning to happen-- and the company decided not to take the risk. I agree with President Obama, who said today in his news conference that this was a mistake. Once we allow another country, and a despotic one at that, to decide what we can see, publish, and talk about here in The United States, the First Amendment and our other freedoms are in jeopardy. But I also find myself agreeing with our friend, Ed Stetzer. He says that after this initial incident with Sony is thoroughly hashed out, we ought to get around to discussing the wisdom and morality of making a film comedy about the assassination of another countrys leader in the first place. I remember feeling slightly uncomfortable when I first starting seeing the trailer for this film a few weeks ago. The things we laugh at. 2. Thanks to a good friend, Audrey and I have tickets for tomorrows Washington/Philadelphia game-- our first regular season NFL game ever ( we saw a pre-season one several years ago). We are excited! Of course, the controversy continues about the name of our team. Some media outlets refuse to say Redskins in their reporting, and protests are mounted from time to time. I like the name and do not find it offensive. But then, as a white caucasion, I dont suppose that I would. I heard somebody today say that when it comes to what we are allowed to call our football team, we should just let North Korea settle it. 3. I am late with this posting today because I have been in my car all day, driving through the heart of Virginia. Early this morning I delivered a smoked turkey to an elderly lady in Culpepper-- a gift from Guidestone as a part of our Mission: Dignity program ( I serve as a trustee for this SBC entity). Then we went further south to visit with family members here and there. The weather was great. Cold, here on the eve of winter, yes--but the sun was shining, the traffic wasnt too bad, and Virginia is the prettiest state after all. It made me think of something L. M. Montgomery, the author of Anne Of Green Gables, wrote: Isnt it good to just be alive on a day like this? I pity the people who arent born yet for missing It. 4. It was reported this week that our probing on Mars has discovered traces of methane gas on that distant and always mysterious planet. This raises the likelihood of some kind of life there, although scientists wont really know for sure for a long time yet to come. We can only speculate. Im no scientist, of course, but I definitely think that life does exist elsewhere in our vast universe. Its just too big, and there are so many planets with conditions as ripe as those on earth to sustain it, to arrogantly assume that we are the only ones here. But no matter where it is, or what exact form it takes, all life has our God as its creator and sustainer. The heavens declare the glory of God... Psalm 19:1 says. And the angels on that first Christmas Eve said: Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace..., Luke 2:14. Christ is its Redeemer, too. 5. Young Ava was in the Christmas play at her preschool. She played the part of one of those angels. She only had one line to remember: Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. But when her moment came...she froze. Her parents were on the front row of the audience, cameras and iPhones recording, and they agonized for her. There was a long silence, as they and others in the audience silently mouthed the words for the 4 year old. Finally- it came to her. A smile crossed her face as she stepped to the edge of the stage and exclaimed: Boy, have I got some good news for you! Well, that wasnt exactly what the Bible has the angel saying-- but Ava sure got the gist of it. The birth of Jesus was the best news those shepherds had ever heard. That anyone in that 1st century world had. Gods love and His forgiveness, shown to me through the coming of Christ, is the best news I ever heard, too. And the reality of Immanuel, God with us, has made all the difference in the world! Enjoy your weekend. Finish that shopping. I hope that Ill see you at church on Sunday and then again on Christmas Eve. Re-post this if it is helpful.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 21:19:31 +0000

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