Here is a part of my flash blog I have been working on Autism - TopicsExpress


Here is a part of my flash blog I have been working on Autism speaks tells you we are lost, locked away and un reachable We are not we are here, we hear and understand everything you say even if we can not speak we understand you! We are right here listening waiting for you to reach out and meet us where we are at, to embrace us, to love us and accept us for who we are NOW, not where you wish we were or who you wish we could be. Autism speaks says we dont communicate: But we do communicate! Some of us speak some of us cant or dont, some of us use things such as iPads, pecs and ASL or letter boards but even then even if we cant speak or dont speak or dont have another method of communicating we are ALWAYS communicating with you, it just isnt in ways you expect! Its ok to be anxious its different I know but if you put aside everything you have been told, all your preconceived notions of how things should be and really open your heart, open your mind and really pay attention you will realize we are constantly communicating with you and then you will be able to find away to reach us, but you have to be ready and willing to enter our world. Autism speaks tells you our lives are a tragedy, We are not tragedies we are people, yes we are disabled yes we have challanges but our lives matter, our thoughts matter our options and desires matter! we are disabled yes but we still have value the real tragedy is the fear and dehumanizations spread by organizations like autism speaks so they can get your money Autism speaks will tell you we dont have a future, We do have futures and with the proper supports and services and with understanding and acceptance from the community we can have fulfilling and bright futures, If we are taught to embrace our passions and build our strengths then we are capable of anything we may dream! All we need is the right supports, services and acceptance Autism speaks tells you we are puzzles missing pieces But we are not, our lives and challenges may be puzzling to you and navigating your world maybe puzzling to us, but we are whole and complete people! We arent broken! Many autistics dont like the puzzle pieces because of the negative things autism speaks has attached to it, but the autism ribbon is multiple puzzle pieces and wasnt created by autism speaks, autism speaks has on single blue puzzle piece that reflects pretty well their one sided narrow view on well as the negative messages they spread. I how ever embrace the multiple puzzle pieces, they are bright and vibrant and uniques as each person on the spectrum, the variety of colors to me show there is a large and amazing spectrum of people living with autism, I also see them in a different way! Not that I or any other autistic is broken or missing pieces but rather that we are whole complete amazing beautiful individuals and it is the community that is missing pieces, these pieces are the proper supports, services acceptance and understanding, with those pieces we can become part of the community! Autism speaks tells you they speak for and advocate for autistics The truth is they dont! Rather quite the opposite. They actively seek to silence autistics! From their very beginning autistics have spoken out to them, trying to explain to them why their adds hurt autistics and what they should change! They never listened! They shut out every one of them! A few years back a 14 year old girl made a parody sight on them after they made their I am autism, video that Basically demonized autism and was honestly really creepy! The site mirrored how autism speaks spoke about autistics only for NTs or non autistics they went after her, claimed she owed them a tone of money in lost donations then said they wouldnt make her pay if she signed over the rights to her website,! They BULLIED an AUTISTIC CHILD!! To add to this autism speaks has never had a single autistic person on their boards of decision maker or in any meaningful positions in their organization recently a bill has been up for re approval, the combatting autism act (think of this title for a minute) which was changed to the autism cares act (a much better title) there was a very big amendment to this bill that was purposes that autism speaks BLOCKED!! For a clear explanation : Thats right they BLOCKED an amendment that would require autistics to be involve in several of the boards and such that are part of the autism cares act! It that isnt actively trying to silence autistics what is? Autism speaks doesnt speak for autistics, autism speaks hurts autistics!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 03:27:13 +0000

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