Here is an excerpt from my autobiography; Tales of Demon - TopicsExpress


Here is an excerpt from my autobiography; Tales of Demon Conjuring, Mind Control and Madness. Read the whole book for only 0.99 cents (US). I still cannot remember why, but for some reason I thought spiders could help me. There was only one problem; I was deathly afraid of arachnids yet utterly fascinated by them. It was an attraction / repulsion, arachnophile / arachnophobe type of thing; an impossibly logical paradox, if you will. I needed to remember why I was terrified of spiders and subconsciously knew they were a key to something. I somehow equated intense fear with a blissful meditative state which makes no sense to me even now. Perhaps I was picking up on the demonic energies which hung out on the astral plane waiting for me like sharks wait for feeder fish at a steep ocean drop-off. Perhaps I was unconsciously hoping to draw them in with the fear I would emanate in the presence of giant spiders? That’s one of the problems with mind control programming; it impulses you to do the very opposite of what is needed for healing. Therefore I researched the largest, most fearsome of spiders and came upon African Baboon tarantulas. They were bigger than my hand, aggressive, and even stridulated (hissed). I worked an extra job as a waiter for a few months to pay for the beasties, did more research, and prepped the aquarium & all of the equipment I’d need to make this adrenaline rush of an experience happen. I decided to intensify my first meeting with a gargantuan arachnid by fasting for six days beforehand. No; it wouldn’t be enough to feel the charge of fear in a normal state of mind. I had to find some way to amplify the effect; much like I did when staring at demon sigils while high on magic mushrooms. That’s always been my problem; if one is good then twenty is better. I drank only chicken bouillon while fasting and as you could imagine I got progressively more spacey as the days passed. Another thing that occurred while fasting was the return of invisible hands touching me. It was so subtle at first I thought it was just a sensory effect from the fasting. On the third day in I got a poke and then realized what was happening. I thought about stopping the fast as eating would ground me and fortify my auric field. However, I wasn’t going to let that nonsense get in the way. The spider was due to arrive on Monday and that Saturday a friend had invited me to stay over at his house. He was a spiritual seeker like me and had a chronic pain issue that the doctors could not alleviate. As a result he was prescribed medical marijuana to dull the aching. This friend knew that I liked to experiment with altered states of consciousness and set aside two of his pot pills. However, one thing neither of us had the presence of mind to realize was that the dosage was based on body weight and he was fifty pounds heavier than I was. Upon arrival I foolishly took both pills; a double-dosage for a man much heavier than I was. Yes indeed; a foolish move for anyone and a particularly bad decision for someone like me. It took a little while for the THC to kick in but once it did I immediately realized I had made a grave error. While in the bathroom peeing I heard the first one. It was a voice whispering just softly enough that I couldn’t make out what it was saying. Then another voice chimed in from a different direction with a feminine timber to it. Once again, no distinct words but the tone was alternating between taunting and angry. Then innumerable voices began assaulting me all at once. So here I am; a person with a bad track record of occult dabbling, on the fourth day of a liquid fast, and two extra-large dosages of medical marijuana in my system. Yes, I know…all my fault. I had never experienced this type of psychic disturbance before and was totally freaked out. I immediately went into the living room and told my friend. He then realized that I had taken too much and said I was on a bad trip. All I could think of was to eat and try to ground myself. I mowed Doritos and pizza hoping it would go away but it just got worse. We were watching Jurassic Park on TV and thankfully the voices had stopped. However, I was now hallucinating that the dinosaurs in the movie were coming after me. Sure, this may sound humorous to read but I was utterly terrified. I wanted to sleep this miserable experiment off and decided to go to bed. For the rest of the night I laid awake fighting off the distinct feeling of being pushed out of my body. Something wanted me out and I could literally feel my energy field being shoved out of my physical shell. Of all of my unpleasant psychic experiences this was hands down the worst. I finally nodded off to sleep just before sunrise and woke up midmorning relieved to be in one piece mentally. Well, at least I had the arrival of my spider to look forward to. The fast was ruined but I’d have plenty of time to mentally experiment with my arachnophobia. I was unconsciously using my fear of spiders to pick the lock of a room full of volatile psychic debris. On Monday, when I saw the FedEx man arrive I was electrified. I remembered wanting the paint to peel off the walls from the psychic charge of fear that the little box elicited from me. The spider was sent by an eccentric breeder (I spoke to him on the phone once; a delightfully weird dude) who hits them with a dose of carbon dioxide which dazes the beasts long enough to put them in a deli cup for the overnight trip. Then you pop the lid off the deli cup just slightly and put the cup into the aquarium. The spider goes into a stasis of sorts during the trip and is supposed to wake up several hours after some fresh oxygen is introduced. The arachnid came out overnight and needless to say I was wide-eyed flabbergasted. The thing I feared the most was in my living room! Our six cats arrayed themselves around the aquarium like mini Sphinxes. Now it was feeding time. I decided to feed my blood to the spider…” amazon/dp/B00HZ4K496
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 22:04:48 +0000

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