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Here is our latest blog post! Let us know what you think! Blessings, Tessa The Yoga Journey, Part Ten Practicing at Home I tried to do yoga this morning. I like to try to run through Sun Salutations about ten times a day. I try to run through ten times consecutively, but normally it happens throughout the day slowly when I find the time. So I tried to do yoga this morning. I also have a two year old son. So after washing the dishes, cleaning the kitchen, doing three loads of laundry, answering emails, cooking breakfast, changing about ten diapers, prepping for this evenings classes, cleaning out cat boxes, scrubbing the fish tank, cleaning up piles of toys, reading the Sunshine book ten times, and cleaning out the refrigerator, I was finally ready to stretch a little bit. So I fold forward into my forward bend. I start breathing. And then my child, who has been engrossed in his game of stand on the stool by the couch and put my necklace in the coffee maker, sees me folding forward. Now, my child hasnt given a crap about what I have been doing all day. The only time he has even acted like I existed was when he wanted food (and I told him he couldnt make his snack himself), or when he needed me to read You Are My Sunshine to him until he got bored. He had a brief interest in me when I was cleaning out the fish tank, but when I wouldnt let him stick his hand in the dirty fish water, he decided he didnt want to play with me then either. Currently this child is locking and unlocking the screen door while he talks to the rain. So, this morning...I fold forward. And my son sees me. At first he just tried to get my attention by showing me how he could do Down Dog (he calls it Dow Dah and he falls forward and throws his head on the floor). So after I praised his Downward Facing Dog a couple times and told him good job, I went back to folding forward. When he realized my attention was no longer on his dow dah, he ran over and stood behind my head. Have you ever had a toddler just stand behind your head? Its terrifying. Have you ever seen Chucky? You dont know what theyre doing back there. So as I stepped back into my lunge I looked up at him, and he is, of course, standing there with a hammer. Its his toy hammer, but its still his hammer. When I ask him what he is doing, he tells me hammer and then smacks my leg with it. I tell him it hurts mommy when he hits her with the hammer, so then he decides to play wake up the neighbors by hammering the wall. As I step back into plank, my adorable toddler decides its high time to climb onto my back. He starts laughing as he fully lays down on my backside, and continues to laugh as I bend my elbows and do my best to hover over the earth. When I come into Cobra, my child realized he needed to go to extreme measures to assure my attention so he rolled off my back and hit his head on the floor. Once I made sure he was ok, I worked into Down Dog. My gaze is back towards my knees like its supposed to be, and Im breathing all nice peaceful, and my kid is finally being somewhat quiet. So I open my eyes, and hes right there. Staring at me. Laying on his back, right underneath my body, with his face inches from mine, just staring at me. As I step forward back to lunge and then forward bend, he gets up and decides to walk underneath my body like a tunnel. And then use me as a tunnel for his trucks. When I finished that first round, I was so exhausted I just sat on the couch. As soon as I sat down, my beautiful little two year old ran over to the pantry and started a game of cook the un opened tea packets in the pots and forgot all about me again. I am not much of an advocate for home practice because Im human, and for me it doesnt always work. I think having a home practice in some way is important, but it isnt always logical which is why we have classes we can go to. When it comes to doing yoga at home, at least TRY. Thats all you can do. TRY to practice. Even if its only for five minutes, and even if you have a child on your back the whole time. Just give it a shot on the days you cant make to a class. You will feel better after you do, and its a good way to work on focusing on your practice even with distractons. The first thousand times wont be easy, but eventually you will get in the habit and youll find you hardly notice the two year old rolling trucks underneath you.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 23:11:35 +0000

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