Here is something I posted a few months back. This is for new - TopicsExpress


Here is something I posted a few months back. This is for new ex-jw’s who have joined this site recently. And who may feel bad because it took so long to put the pieces together. Don’t feel bad, it took so long. It’s not your fault. SURPRISE!!!! I was an elder for almost 15 years. I watched the news every single day to see if Armageddon was about to start. I was not a stupid man. At one time I was running 7 different businesses. I was making more money than some who had spent 12 years going to school to become doctors. But guess what, I just found out a couple of years ago that the WTS was some type of member in the U.N. After that, your world comes crushing down. 607 or 587, 1914 or overlapping generation, blood or blood fractions, and the list goes on. Did you ever say the words, “HOW COULD I HAVE BEEN SO STUPID?” Take heart, we were not stupid. You were just one of those persons that experienced a trusting environment the moment your life began. Someone picked you up at birth and cuddled you. Whether Mom or someone else, they hugged you and kissed you and wrapped you in something warm. If your luck continued, the next several years you might have took it for granted that you could always cry, “I’m Hungry” and someone would respond. As you grew older, you might have also taken it for granted that you could open the refrigerator and there was always something there, even if it was just a piece of bread and peanut butter. You were nurtured in a trusting environment. It might not have been a king’s palace but it was enough to instill in you that people were caring and honest. Then you became a teenage, and the fun starts, if that’s what you want to call it. You’re not pretty enough, you’re not tall enough, you’re too fat, he broke my heart, she crushed my world, I’m not too young to get married, we weren’t expecting a baby so soon, we are getting a divorce, (You get the picture right?) And then here it comes, (Knock, Knock, we are here to share an encouraging thought from the Bible, paradise earth, no more suffering, the end is just around the corner, and you will not grow old and die) I’m in, where do I sign!!! You look in the mirror, you say to yourself, “Not Bad” some years pass by and you look again and say, “WHAT HAPPEN” The gray hairs, the wrinkles, the bags under the eyes, but it’s another day, it’s Saturday thank goodness. Field service, Watchtower study for tomorrow’s meeting, convention next week, circuit overseer the week after, campaign the week after that and start pioneering in September. Then it happens. You accidently hit a website that says’ WATCHTOWER A MEMBER OF THE UNITED NATIONS, and the rest is history. It wasn’t that we were stupid. It’s that we didn’t expect that someone could be so devious. We expected a measure of honesty in all people. Sure, a lie here and there to embellish the flaws a little, (I’m 29 years old, when really we are about to hit 40) come on, most people will know the truth but to be nice, they usually just smile. But this is different, the WTS knows they are being dishonest and they continue to exploit the trusting, honest- hearted people. They will suck up the life of any unwary kind-hearted person to build up their coffers with gold. They are no different than a husband or wife who says, “I’ll be home late honey, I have to work overtime” and at 3 AM, that person enters the house, takes a shower, kisses the children in bed, and kisses the spouse and says I love you honey, and I am so tired from working so hard. The spouse has no reason to mistrust until the neighbor say’s (Hey, I saw your honey last night dancing a storm with that real good-looking************* Now the investigation begins. Now you find out nobody works after 5 pm. There are some receipts for several motels, you find panties in back seat of the car. You can’t believe it so you confront your honey, or is it your honey? In a loud voice you say, “The Neighbor saw you at the bar” you are told, “You can’t believe what the neighbor says, you need to ask the source, ME. You say, “but I found several receipts of motels” You are told, “Someone put those there to smear my reputation” (those dirty apostates) “You say, how about the panties?” You are told, those mentally disease people put them there because they want to draw you away from what we have, a good marriage which is THE TRUTH! So you think to yourself, “Is he or she perhaps telling the truth? Is someone trying to mislead me and break my marriage? Finally, someone takes a picture with your spouse in bed with someone else. You were not stupid, you were not dumb, and don’t ever think that. You were just a trusting person who expected a measure of honesty in other humans. It was just unfortunate that you bumped into a group of people that have no regard for honesty and will deceive and take advantage of anyone who crosses their path. God’s Only Channel for Mankind. “The Watchtower” Yea Right, Give me a Break!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 01:06:41 +0000

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