Here is the poem I performed, its free verse because it was never - TopicsExpress


Here is the poem I performed, its free verse because it was never meant to be read so there is no clever structuring/pentameter etc but I wanted to put it on here because the video isnt very clear Its based on a character from American Horror Story:Coven called Misty. Please bear in mind that it isnt very cleverly written because its purely a performance poem and I written it to be performed at a specific tempo in order for it to have a particular it may not seem that impressive simply reading it. But here it is! Misty looked toward the sky And longed for something more Small town America led by religion, days welcomed by chores She knew she was different, When a child made things move, danced with her arms in the air and drew pictures That concerned her parents Two meetings in the town hall about her. At night she stared out And discovered every angle of the sky with her eyes Voices downstairs elevated and quickened Filled with confusion and despair from her Mother. Her father, the town pastor The words of the bible made his heart race faster Than the first time he saw his wife Found his only comfort in the words of the book of God Every night it was read aloud Kissed by them all and then wrapped in fine velvet His wife slept in material like potato sacks and justified it with “Well this is my life” The next day she found her parents in dismay Their prize calf had died in the night. As she looked at where the calve lay She felt something course through her veins So that evening she snuck from the house And went to the barn Without a sound she bent down and kneeled As if she were about to pray She reached her hand and placed it on the calves once beating heart And shouted “God if your book suppresses this power I have inside me then I am no longer yours nor my father’s daughter. And then chanted words no bible class had ever taught her. She bought the cow back to life that night The shouting had awoken her father And he had watched her. He did not see the miracle of resurrection But the most foul act against God Witchcraft. The next morning Misty was dragged from her bed Saw her Mothers eyes fill with tears and dread She tried to break her fathers grip But he just soaked her in holy water And said “You wished this you wished not to be my daughter And I have no remorse therefore in condemning your death” Her mother cried out and ran to the house. Misty tried to break free again but it was no use “Evil can’t be tamed with the noose, My mistake, will burn at the stake” As she stood, tied up like an animal Piles of firewood stacked up higher and higher. Misty had always been scared of fire. She spoke. “Before you damn me to this, Allow me speak. Father, The miracle of Jesus’ resurrection is a story I have heard over and over You damn me to death for something you glorify You damn me to burn for what you yourself thank God for every day Well you can burn me, but you won’t kill the evil inside your soul. The devil is within you Dear Father, not me. It took her 5 minutes to die. The worst part of this tale I do tell, Is that her Father refused To watch.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 18:28:34 +0000

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