Here we are, 6 days after waking up in the ICU with an incision - TopicsExpress


Here we are, 6 days after waking up in the ICU with an incision that resembled a Shark bite. I had gone into the O/R last Wednesday for the 5th time since September 9th, expecting a quick simple procedure to close up my wound. Because of complications directly linked to the LVAD, it turned into a 7 hour epic had never even considered how having an LVAD could cause so many problems to the surgeons, but apparently, because of the lack of a steady pulsing blood supply, the bodies muscles loose some of their natural resilience and flexibility. This makes it far more difficult for the surgeons to be able to successfully cut and re position things the way they want them. It also makes the chances of post surgical necrosis a real concern where the displaced muscle will actually die and make recovery very difficult to almost impossible. I am extremely happy to report that as of today, this appears to not be the case with me. They have told me any major problems of this nature along with any further infections will more often than not show up within the first 6 days. Today is day 6, no signs of things going pear shaped, so they are now, at last after a very long 6 days, confident that I will achieve a good recovery from this particular surgery. I have been told by 5 different specialists that Transplkant is my only chance of long term survival. I was very lucky this time, next time I might not be so. It has come down to the simple truth, get qualified for transplant and take my chances with that, or stay on the LVAD and have a very limited time left. My thoughts of being the longest ever LVAD patient must be forgotten and I must get serious about loosing weight...Fast....Nutritionists will be meeting with me to possibly get on a medically supervised regime later this week. Good news is, it is not impossible that I might be out of here soon. As soon as my INR starts co operating I should be able to go home and we can come back to get the staples removed later...:). Sorry this was so long. As always, thanks for all of your love, support, prayers and well wishes during this ordeal..
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 13:26:42 +0000

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