Heres Our Apology To Barack Obama: PLEASE COPY AND PASTE AND SEND - TopicsExpress


Heres Our Apology To Barack Obama: PLEASE COPY AND PASTE AND SEND TO YOUR REPRESENTATIVES TODAY AND EVERY DAY UNTIL THIS MONSTER IS REMOVED!: RE: Repeal ObamaCare And Remove Obama! When are you going to wake up and smell the coffee. The horrendous rollout of Obama is not simply ruining the lives of a mere five percent of the American people. When the employer mandate takes effect, over a hundred million people will feel the sting of ObamaCare, and thats just the beginning. When all is said and done, the skeletal and pus-oozing finger of ObamaCare will touch every man, woman and child in the United States. At some point your only option will be to come to the realization that when ObamaCare is fully implemented and Barack Obama is done, all Americans will be reduced to servitude and forced to bend and scrape to the government for something as fundamental and innocuous as routine health care; and no legislative band-aids, fixes, or delays will stop this imminent man-made disaster. There is only one way to stop this looming disaster. ObamaCare must be repealed and the disease that is afflicting us with this tyranny must be removed from office. Remove Barack Obama for lying to the American people. Remove Barack Obama for perpetrating such a treasonous scam on the American people, but whatever you do, repeal ObamaCare and remove Barack Obama from office now! ............................................................................................................................. I Am Sorry That They - You Know - Are Finding Themselves In This Situation... Thats what Barack Obama said. Does it sound like an apology to you? It doesnt sound like an apology to us. It sounds like the thief who just robbed your house saying: You know, Im sorry that you find yourself without some of your possessions. Well... were tired of Obamas phony apologies and socialist schemes to break the backs of the American people. And were not going to take it anymore. Right here and right now, were going to flood the offices of our elected officials with faxes demanding the REPEAL OF OBAMACARE AND THE REMOVAL OF BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA FROM OFFICE. Its time for us to force Congress to do what must be done. Obamas Infamous Freudian Slip. The Freudian slip he made during that staged apology interview with Chuck Todd of NBC is already becoming infamous: Now that - you know, having said that - given that Ive been burned... Its so typical of Barack Obama. Like a spoiled child, everything is about him. Gary Bauer perhaps said it best:What is Obama sorry about? Is Obama sorry people are paying more? Is he sorry they are losing access to their doctors? Is he sorry that taxpayers have lost hundreds of millions of their hard-earned dollars on a website that doesnt work? Bauer goes on: He didnt say he was sorry for lying to the American people. I dont use the word lying lightly, but that is what happened. The White House knew Obamas promise was false. ... But Obama has apologized. So alls forgiven, right? WRONG... its not time for the American people to move on. Its time for Barack Obama to move on, and were going to get that ball rolling right here and right now. But The Problem Is Not That Barack Obama Told A Lie. The Problem Is That Hes Still Lying And Hundreds-Of-Millions Of American Will Lose Health Coverage By Design. Barack Obama wasnt just mistaken... or telling a little white lie... when he repeatedly said: If you like your health care plan, youll be able to keep your health care plan... PERIOD. The truth is that it was his plan, all along, that hundreds of millions Americans should lose coverage so that they would be forced into his socialist pool, and driving private insurance companies out of business is still part of his diabolical plan. Dont believe it? Well, heres what the Wall Street Journal recently said: For all of the Affordable Care Acts technical problems, at least one part is working on schedule. The law is systematically dismantling the individual insurance market, as its architects intended from the start... Americans should understand that this months mass cancellation wave has been the Presidents political goal since 2008. One thing is certain, when Barack Obama is done... when the employer mandate kicks in and over a hundred million lose their plans... when millions more lose their jobs... when all none-Obama-approved insurance companies have been squeezed from the marketplace... ALL AMERICANS will be forced to bend and scrape to the government for something as fundamental and innocuous as routine health care. Government will call all the shots. Youll be told what to pay and youll be told when you can receive health care (and when youre prohibited from receiving health care) from a doctor of the governments choosing. And yes, youll even be told when to die, even when there is no logical reason for you to die before your time. Like that stupid horse in George Orwells Animal Farm, youll be hauled-off to the glue factory when you are no longer useful and the Obama-ites will lie through their teeth and tell your family that you extolled the virtues of Big Brother with your last, dying gasp for air. Thats your future... your childrens future... your grandchildrens future, and legislative band-aids wont stop whats coming. Delaying it wont stop what is just around the bend. Simply acknowledging that Barack Obama is a liar wont stop it and legislative fixes or tinkering with it wont stop it. The only way to stop it is to repeal it and remove the disease that is afflicting us with this tyranny from office. At some point, Congress is going to have to grasp that fundamental point, and theres no better time than the present to start instructing them on that point. Dont Tell Us It Cant Be Done. The Only Losing Move In This Game Is Not To Play. The pundits and our elected officials love to tell you that it cant be done. They love to tell you that bold moves are not prudent. They love to think in terms of pale pastels. They love to tell you that Obama cant be removed as long as Democrats hold a majority in the Senate. Dont simply parrot such a statements or assume that theyre true. Instead, ask yourself a question: If federal legislators actually started to push for the removal of Barack Obama, how would such a move change the political dialogue? Ask yourself another question: Isnt it time to start forcing Obamas allies in Congress to defend his egregious actions? With a federal election approaching, isnt it time to force the proponents of this ObamaCare train-wreck to defend the tyranny that it will impose? And since were asking questions, lets take a lesson from the playbook of the political left. Our opposition always asks for more than they want and then compromises to take what they really wanted in the first place. Heres a compromise: Lets call for the removal of Barack Hussein Obama and then settle for the eradication of ObamaCare in exchange for allowing him to finish his illegal and illegitimate occupation of the White House. And finally, remember history. The American people impeached Bill Clinton and even though the Senate failed to convict on the Article of Impeachment, Clintons legacy was forever tarnished and his administration became impotent... no longer able to inflict harm on the American people. If we win, we win. If we lose, we win. But lets not fixate on strategy... when an animal is cornered, it MUST fight. There comes a time when a fight must be fought, even when the odds are against you. The scent of change is in the wind. A majority of Americans have opposed ObamaCare since day one, but NOW, Americans are finally starting to understand exactly what is at stake and few like it. And those, in Congress, who claim to oppose ObamaCare and the tyranny of the out-of-control Obama Regime now have an advantage that has been absent from the debate for a long time; and when you have an advantage, you must press that advantage. Now is the time to start pressing. Make it clear to our elected officials, the American people want ObamaCare repealed and its architect, Barack Hussein Obama, removed from office. The time is ripe to do the right thing. Win, lose or draw, a message must be sent... a message that will be heard, loud-and-clear, and implicitly understood by every would-be tyrant presently occupying political office. If you mess with the American people, we will call for your removal... we will humiliate you... we will tarnish your legacy... and well do it without regard to whether we win or lose because... in the end, even if you survive, you will be so scarred from the battle, and the American people will emerge victorious.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 19:50:23 +0000

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