Heres a question. I got my bill today from the hospital, which by - TopicsExpress


Heres a question. I got my bill today from the hospital, which by the way is operating with a profit each year, keep that in mind.....Medicare approved 24 treatments, it should be up to my doctor and physical therapy how many treatments, it was working for me, and I had to stop, the bill was for $13,408.08...Amount paid by insurance $2,157.18....Insurance Adjustments $11,065.55..Amount patient owes $185.35....which Im sure not complaining about , having said that ,my husband worked as a coal miner union 14 years and the rest as a company boss 30 years.....we still pay monthly for that really thinking that should be 0 owed by the patient. Im thankful we can write them a check but, how about all the people who cant? So my question is this, does this really show how much over cost our hospital bills are ? Could they really treat each patient the treatment I had for $2,157.18 and still come out ahead? Im thinking yes.....our health care system needs a complete overhaul...This is another big reason I am for health care for all.......if your poor you go without, if your average , you get bills you might pay forever or never get to pay off on your lifetime, if your rich no problem... We are very blessed with Medicare, sure not many complaints so far, we paid into that system for years and Stans company insurance pays if its over a certain amount with our co/pay. My concern is the little lady or man living day by day , maybe on Social Security or the many homeless people we have.....that get no care or go without specialized care...The little kids that die because health care was too costly...The VA , their should be no question we take care of our Veterans, period!!! Our whole country is run on GREED....not just to make a profit but, seems all think they need to make a killing....We need health care for all , for each American deserves the best health care in the world......It is a system broken and so big , I wonder if it will ever get fixed? Our nurses and staff have so much paper work, thank God for computers that lighted their load....Most Nurses and PAs ,PTs, CNAs the list goes on ,just want to nurse and make a living doing what they love.....Doctors I think really want patients to get good care, they hate the loops and ropes they have to jump to get that care.... Use to be your doctor could admit you run their test and find out what was wrong. Now we do the running from place to place and often times too sick to even do that. Insurance companies run our health care system, no insurance company should have authority to tell a doctor to release a patient....I have been there many times over the years through cancer and asthma, respiratory failure, gallbladder surgery , many times I was sent home too early. Its not your doctor or the hospital that does that, its the insurance companies. GREED!! OK, My rant for the day, now I will write my check because we can and I am so thankful, but my thoughts go to those who cant? God forgive a nation that does not take care of its own and cares about profits over care...Please dont come back to me with Obamacare , its been this way for years and years....I worked in health care, Ive done the paper work in ICU, ER,on the floor and Ambulance .....that was in the 70s.....I cant even imagine the load now...God Bless all of you in the Health Field, many in my own family...I appreciate each of you. I sure pray change is coming....
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 18:25:25 +0000

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