Heres a random update because Im a giver like that: 1. Quint - TopicsExpress


Heres a random update because Im a giver like that: 1. Quint woke up with an upset stomach at 5am. It was so fun for us both. We were going to blame it on school cafeteria food, because A. its too hard to put three things into a lunchbox in the morning (cough) and B. because we just like to assume that cafeteria food is next to eating spam or sardines. Well, our plan was foiled as shortly thereafter I came down with an upset stomach also. So were blaming it on the surplus population like Scrooge (I dont know...whatever). Anyway, it was double the pleasure. Double the fun. 2. Ive been crying randomly all morning. Let me clarify. Your posts about flashback Friday, feel good videos, heartwarming stories about people who had a need met in a big way or a Christmas wish that came true, blah blah blah and also anything with babies or puppies - yeah that has been making me weep like a willow. Now would be a good time to post only things like pictures of sloths or hurricanes or Janet Reno. 3. Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. IF: you dont need to drive anywhere ever. Im not kidding. Holiday drivers, are you for real? Also, you dont need to spend any money on any thing for any person. Ever. For anything. ($38 for a kids bike helmet...I mean...just shut-up already). You dont mind baking at 2am because thats literally the only time you have left in your life to do anything. Also, its absolutely magical if you can just not look at the piles of Fall decor laying on the counter across from the Christmas decor that was just put up. Jingle. Bells. 4. Speaking of Christmas. People. How do ANY OF YOU mail actual cards with writing in them to anyone? Do you do this activity in your sleep? When do you do this? How do you sit down and address and stamp and make merry with 100 people via written word and actually mail them out too? Do you understand that I cant even find my stamps. We havent done cards in like, I dont know, ten-hundred years. The idea of this kind of dedication is blowing my mind. How can it possibly get done? If I start now, you will all have your cards by Easter. Maybe 4th of July. 5. Speaking of Christmas. People. (i know, but it just bears repeating) How are you getting anything at all done? AB and I had to hock our DATE NIGHT last night in lieu of store hopping for three hours trying to finish up all our to-dos and figure out a way to bring the magic Christmas morning without actually having to be there. You heard me. Hawaii? Why yes, Elf on the Shelf. You have powers or whatever. You sit here and videotape all the chaos and mess and Ill remind the children not to touch you. Meanwhile, well be getting a couples massage in Maui. Peace out. 6. Finally, would you like to know what a real Christmas miracle would be, friends? Anton and I would like to do as the Jolie-Pitts have done, and take a Sleep-cation. Now I know what your thinking if youre a mom to any people at all: youre thinking - what is this thing you refer to called sleep? I know. I KNOW. (falls on the floor and says it again) So weve decided that our next trip (after the Christmas miracle above when were in Maui on Christmas morning sucking down tropical beverages) will be a Sleep-cation. And listen - write this down - were doing NOTHING for a week. The kids? Oh theyll be with someone, somewhere doing something. Well be sleeping. And then again. And then again. ...and God bless us, every one.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 15:28:57 +0000

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