Heres another Letters to My Future Husband: Dear Future - TopicsExpress


Heres another Letters to My Future Husband: Dear Future Husband, I was wondering if I could just apologize to you now? You know for all of the stupid, idiotic, assholish things Im going to say and do throughout the course of our relationship? Not that I intend to do any of these things, but I know myself. Im flawed. Perfectly Imperfect or Imperfectly Perfect and Im going to screw up. Im going to be bluntly honest and hurt your feelings. Im going to forget important dates. Im going to speak without thinking. Im going to ignore you or say something in anger. Im going to isolate myself when Im hurting and not talk to you about it. Im going to go to someone else when Im upset or angry and not come to you. Im not going to tell you when Im in pain and Im going to suffer in silence. I may even react suspiciously when you do something. I just dont know. I just know myself. So Id like to apologize now, before I do any of that stuff and tell you now how sorry I am that I did anything to hurt you. Anything to cause a rift between us. Anything to cause discord between us. Know how deeply it hurts and pains me. And know that I will do my damndest to not do it in the first place but also I will try even harder to not do it again. Well call this the pre-apology. And I so hope that youll accept it, because even though we havent met yet, I so mean it. I truly do. Yours Always, Your Future Husband, Vic
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 16:42:25 +0000

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