Heres the poem I did yesterday, for anyone who wanted to read - TopicsExpress


Heres the poem I did yesterday, for anyone who wanted to read it. Whats Eating Me What am I eating? What am I feeding my soul? We once grew up from the ground up but we are now out of control. Weeding from the inside, insecticiding all thats alive In the name of progress I GUESS Ill just digest all these investment opportunities room for growth OFF THE CHARTS as we make more and more for the local Big Mart Pay less to eat less and less of real food What are you in the mood for? Ill cook you down to the dollar-or-less store till-theres-nothing-left store Fill your cart HIGH with empty calories low in taste, high in profit, high in waste OH WAIT! Watch your waistline too! Weve got just the product for you! Let us feed that shit to you Lap it up like the lemmings do! Weve got-an App-for-That Store Weve got the Fat Store, Just-Ditch-Your-Self-Esteem Store Pay us to tell you how thin to be While youre at it, buy this magazine Youll find things you gotta have more of GAP THIGHS and CUP CAKES lives so good you gotta have a taste Making you feel like YOU ARE THE MISTAKE! Weve got all the GMOs, HMOs and pharmaceuticals you could possibly possess working together, making one request DONT YOU DARE REALIZE they are working together KILLING YOU, as they make you feel better? FEELING SAD? Weve got a script for that! FEELING NOT SO FRISKY? Take this, its NOT THAT RISKY! Cause we can ignore the symptoms and override the system You wont realize it till nothing works and then youve kissed it all goodbye What are you feeding yourself? What am I eating? When did we stop caring so much? THIS IS IN NEED OF REPEATING! WHAT AM I EATING? They are germinating our population into believing what they are eating is REAL Theyre feeding us lies with a side of fries, hot pockets and pill popping until we are not stopping TO ASK Why? My soul is hungry for food that I can pronounce not canned ounce for ounce till whatever nutrition it once had spilled out replaced by dollars instead of what counts. I NEED FOOD that grows in rows and wont kill a bird I want seeds that have been passed down, not gassed down or genetically fracked down till its just a hull of its former self. A genetically modified homicide. I want foods that dont sit on shelves THAT SHIT WILL SELL ITSELF! Give me animals that have had good lives that suckled their babies non-genetically modified! Cows that roam and chickens that TASTE LIKE CHICKEN, THATS what I want in my kitchen Why is it so hard to go back to the farm and get your milk and butter? Agribusiness has gotten bigger but more of us are starving. ITS ALARMING! We are injecting our Country with food so bad that its BANNED in most other nations. Yet we feast upon such salvation. Salivating cause we are starving ourselves Feeding more to cows than to the poor paying them not to produce just to make more on the bottom line? Isnt it time to stop? Lets regulate the regulators. Propagate some grass roots of our own THIS TIME WE WILL KNOW WHERE ITS GROWN! Sweat drips down as buds pop up from seeds that ran through generations of hands feeding the land. THAT IS MY PLAN. Dont eat from stores that promise more but delivers plastic bottles filled with filtered lies GET ON YOUR KNEES AND PRAY with your hands in the dirt make amends, begin again and feel the earth and thank the skies.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 17:23:26 +0000

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