Hermion LAGOS, thus born and raised in the middle of an - TopicsExpress


Hermion LAGOS, thus born and raised in the middle of an uncompromising modern tyranny literally perfecting between the dismantling of the Public Education and eternal deficiency domestic economy, a brutal social repression and impunity of the business class and government class ...... These particulars, irreversibly wrought his insolent creativity to our fortune, and late XX and early XXI century, manifest his transformative artistic intentions with a first series of presentations in local settings, it is precisely in the interiors of the Temple of the conformist mediocrity, the building of the Municipal Presidency of Lagos de Moreno, which begins his titanic work to shake the sleepy consciences by the indelicacy exasperating habit of showing successively year after year, the same bright expressive of the same techniques of local clasicismo painters, who for decades conditioned artistic respectable public perception of it , whom remains fearful of acquiring truly authentic and contemporary work ... Then, in 2004, begins his presentations, exhibitions, independent, armed with an intelligent proposal to His Majesty the status that allows him with restricted access to the building in the making, You can make use of the hall .. . They told him…, Gifted with remarkable intelligence, endowed with different abilities, was then considered for the group… They propose him to teach students with disabilities in special education school, they thought with this action he will feel humiliated, but for him that was something good and could careless what the other thought... His first artistic presentation remained a few hours, installed in the hallway at City Hall, which I was able to witnessed, and warn the enormous talent coated with plaster, painting and photographs letting me find the well defined potential from the beginning ... Of course for a virtually talent trapped in the inertia of mediocrity no his, but adverse, his wings prodded ... Years before, instead of stepping into the patios of Multiple Care Center, he ends up at the Major Seminary of the Diocese of San Juan .. . The natural diamond in his skull, was not polished but he knew how much he could resist and accept suitable somewhat respectable military discipline of the educational center ... This period of time will highly turned harmful for him because when he got out, he could really gauge his mettle and established himself in its vast interior irreducible idea of proclaiming and recreate freedom from art and art itself ... Ripped with his own fingers, the essence of these early works on display literally dragging outwards, then the street seemed more dignified than the political nest of inequalities, the road is always promoter or manager of creative events that tend to destabilize the comfortable surroundings of implicit bourgeoisie ...
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 21:38:34 +0000

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