Hey FB friends! (Big story stay with me until the end or at least - TopicsExpress


Hey FB friends! (Big story stay with me until the end or at least skim and read whats in CAPS.) Im a little bit of a private person. I definitely try not to share too many details on FB... although we all get tempted and carried away at times, right??... and our trust level is artificially heightened!! We r all guilty of sharing too much at times! Trust me! Im an IT Security guy by trade so I see it all! So this, combined with not having time to access FB, is why I havent posted much on here lately .... to protect my privacy and my familys security. (I wasnt overly fond of announcing that I wasnt home. I dont have anything of value in my house but that would be a huge kick while Im down if someone tried to vandalize my place in some way!!) However, I live in a small town and FB makes everything everybodys business instantly! So my news has travelled fast regardless! :-) Not that this has been a problem, at all, this time, for me! I just have lots of friends and family that are highly concerned about me right now. ... Soooo many more people than I ever realized would be concerned!! Im not a trusting person! I was trained in middle school that as soon as you give someone something personal they pretend to be a friend and then eventually they use it against you. I relearned this lesson many times, over the course of my life ... so Ive always held my cards close to my chest. Probably not the best idea Ive had but thats just how Ive always dealt with things. Friend Requests on FB: I usually accept them but keep most ppl restricted to limit the flow of information about Brett around town and everywhere else. Then every few months I usually go through my friend list and start deleting like crazy in order to keep only the closest of my peeps sharing info about me. Again, not the friendliest thing to do but it protects me and my kids. It keeps people from pretending to be my friend and just getting on there to gain more ammo against me... for judging me and assuming things they dont know!! Deleting FB friends is never anything personal towards anyone. Its just a self-protection method that I use if Im not overly close with someone. I always tried not to be afraid to do big things in life and always try to do them confidently when I get the chance, but inside Id rather shy away from any spotlight or even run away when someone says hi. However, after age 5, life doesnt work that way so Ive tried to stay strong even though I dont have the confidence that I probably need. Given the small town effects and FB effects I have a lot of people wanting to check on me from near and far! Therefore, Im going to give an update to relieve some of the curiosity. ***Health update to follow this update*** There is a fundraiser or two going around to help me out. I cant express enough how much each gesture means to me!! The fact that people are going out of their way to help ME??? Means the world! I cant think about it without getting choked up!! Im not even talking about the contributions, yet! Then I look at a few of the financial contributions and really get choked up! Ive always been a good guy but..... for people to give so generously!!..... is not something I would ever expect in a million years! .... I see all of you!! Every little drawing I received in the hospital, every card in the mail, everyone that donated money (even anonymously), and every single text and FB message wishing me luck and sending me prayers!!!!...... I SEE YOU! I SEE THEM ALL!! EVERY ONE OF THEM HAS TOUCHED MY HEART AND KEPT ME GOING THROUGH THIS!!! I am a strong person but this has been a hard pill to swallow and I AM INDEBTED TO EVERYONE MORE THAN I COULD EVER REPAY!! I AM ETERNALLY GRATEFUL TO YOU ALL!!! .... This goes for the people who checked my mail every day, mowed my grass, watered my flowers, took out my trash, performed odd jobs around my house, helped with service calls, helped me pay my bills, cut up my food at the hospital, bought me Fierce Grape Gatorade, the ones who put up with me kicking them out of my room so I could use the urinal, the ones who sewed custom clothes for me to feel normal again and dress more easily.... Everyone!!! IM BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE!! I NEVER EXPECTED TO HAVE SUCH A LOYAL FOLLOWING!!.... THIS MEANS I HAD NO REASON TO BE SUCH A GUARDED PERSON IN MY LIFE... FOR SO LONG!! PEOPLE WILL GO TO BAT FOR ME WHEN IT MATTERS!! ..... AS SIMPLE AS IT SOUNDS AND FOR WHAT ITS WORTH.... THANK YOU!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 01:33:18 +0000

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