Hey Folks, I’m back, one last time and then I will get off of - TopicsExpress


Hey Folks, I’m back, one last time and then I will get off of my soap box and go back into my quiet Facebook mode. I’m not usually this vocal but I feel that there are things that need to be said and right or wrong I am going to share my thoughts with you. This comment is a little long, but its meaningful reading so take you laptop into the bathroom, and get comfortable because I’m going to try to open your eyes and motivate you at the same time. I published the commentary yesterday because I was sick and tire of hearing people bashing our government, criticizing our country and degrading our flag. Well it looks like some agree with me, but it’s not enough to just agree with me, STAND UP and do something. Share my commentary with all of your facebook friends and along with it add “STAND UP”, yes STAND UP for what you believe in. Remember what Lincoln said, this is your government, a government “Of the PEOPLE, For the PEOPLE, By the PEOPLE” well people the time has come to stop birchen and complaining and stand up and take charge. The Home Land Security Commission came up with a little saying, “If You See Something, Say Something” well that works for WE THE PEOPLE as well. If there is something going on in State or Federal government that doesn’t sit right with you, you need to Stand Up and say something instead of just sitting in front of your TV watching the news and saying “Someone should do something about that”. Well, you are that someone, so do something! call your congressmen, call your state representative, and if they don’t respond write letters (addressee only, return receipt requested), send tweets, put it on facebook, dam it raise hell, do something besides think about it to yourself. Don’t stop screaming until someone responds. If you scream long enough and loud enough someone will hear you and respond just to get you off of their back. Once you have their attention don’t let go until your issue is resolved to your satisfaction. You don’t like Obama Care or you Do like Obama Care. Did you tell your Congressman or Senator how your felt? How about the rain tax did you voice your opinion to your state representative? How about the new gas tax bill, did you contact your state Senator and scream? Where is all the money from the recycling going? Where is all the tax money from the Casinos going? Have you asked? I could tell you, but I’m not, that’s your assignment. Is there a pot hole in your street that has been there for months? Have you seen a police car in your neighborhood recently? Are you afraid to go to the inner harbor for fear of being robbed, assaulted or even shot? If you’re afraid what do you think tourists are thinking? Dam it, this is Our State, Our City, Our Counties, Our Country and we pay through the nose for the right and privilege to be able to travel freely through it and around it without fearing for our safety. Something has to be done because the situation is getting way out of hand. I think that Instead of sitting back in their fat cat offices all City and State elected officials should spend at least 25% of their week out on the streets, reconnect to the people that elected them. I also think that they should plan and attend more town hall meetings so that they can reconnect and WE THE PEOPLE can get answers to our questions and concerns. Think about it this way, YOU and I, are paying the salaries of all of these Federal, State, City and County officials that are holding office. They are supposed to be WORKING FOR US, for our interest, not their own personal addenda. In addition to that, the Governor’s Mansion, The State House, The White House, the Capital Building and all of the other government buildings in Annapolis, Baltimore City and Washington DC, they all belong to us, the TAX PAYER “WE THE PEOPLE”, and we pay to have these buildings furnished and maintained. That being said it’s time that the officials living in our houses, working in our office buildings and using our equipment start being held accountable for the jobs that they were elected to do and for the salaries we are paying them to do those jobs. Does that sound right to you? If you had a business and your employees weren’t doing the job that they were hired to do, what would you do? Say What? I CANT HEAR YOU! We put these people in office and we can take them out. It’s time that we start ringing the Liberty Bell and demanding that the politicians on the Federal, State, City and County levels do their job or get out. I think that there should be term limits and restrictions for all Federal, State and County elected officials anyway. Some of the representatives in Washington are older than Methuselah. Talk about older than dirt, Hell, by the time a new bill is submitted, debated, and approved ready to be signed into law, it has become obsolete, and then they sneak new taxes in by calling them something else or add a ton of pork to a good bill to get the pork enacted. It’s Crazy. Well, I could go on and on but I’m not. I know, you and I can’t do it alone, but if we can get enough people motivated in the right direction WE THE PEOPLE can put enough pressure on our representatives in all levels of government to represent our views, our desires, our needs, and not their personal addenda. Hey, did you VOTE last election, well if you didn’t you need to and get up off of your lazy ass, go out and register so that you can VOTE next election. VOICE YOUR OPINION, CAST YOUR VOTE, it counts, and it’s your right, or just sit back in your little fox hole and hope that the next tax or political bomb doesn’t hit you. This is a great country that we live in it has withstood a lot of fussing, fighting, and changes over the years but I think that it’s time that WE THE PEOPLE kick some ass and clean house. I’m Sorry if I offended anyone; these are my views and maybe yours who knows. If you want to jump on the band wagon there is plenty of room. Share this with your friends. A young politician running for office once asked me “What can say to influence you to vote for me”. My answer was “ Just tell me the truth and Don’t write checks with your mouth that you ass can’t cash”. That’s It, I’m DONE………………………………………………
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 17:37:01 +0000

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