Hey Rob King here. I asked one of our members who has been - TopicsExpress


Hey Rob King here. I asked one of our members who has been crushing her goals and results Kayla Lorene Dominix to share her story. At the last grad she hit a weight loss goal that was so much more than just hitting a number. I was in Ontario when my manager Steph texted me saying that Kayla was crying with joy over her results. So I reached out to Kayla to share her story and her amazing transformation. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My story goes back 7 years ago; when my husband and I were married. We wanted to start a family immediately but this wasnt in store for us. After months of no luck and little patients we put this on hold and focused on having fun in life. So that is just what we did, however as the years went on something seem to be missing. Of course it would be the fact there was just the two of us and our dogs! Three years ago we decided we wanted to start trying again. After being told I had PCOS this would not be easy. My doctor said she would do what she could and I was sent to a specialist who told me right away I was overweight. Now imagine how that feels to be told straight up that being too overweight was stopping our happiness of having a child. So I was determined this wasn’t the case and had every blood test done there was to make sure there was nothing more to it. I was wrong. So after a year and a half of going back and forth to my specialist and losing weight here and there and not conceiving I decided the Doctor didn’t know what she was talking about and started to eat more and put back the 30lbs I had worked so hard to loose back on; just to prove her wrong. Needless to say I didn’t prove her wrong, just made myself heavier and unhappy with myself. It was hard to have it play over and over in my head “you’re the reason you’re not pregnant, because you’re fat.” It would had been different if I was told there was something wrong, something out of my control, but weight was my control. Lucky for me I have a understanding husband that endlessly kept assuring me it wasn’t my fault and it will happen over time. So after a year and a half of basically not listening to my doctor, she sent me to another specialist. Now last November when I went to my first appointment with my new specialist I was shitting bricks because I had been told “she’s hard-core and going to tell you like it is.” So I went to my appointment as brave as I could be at 294lbs, knowing all too well what I was going to be told. No surprise was I told about my weight, but it was explained to me, something no doctor had ever bothered to tell me before. All of the risks were told to me and why being so heavy with a baby would not be good at this time. My Doctor told me she would set goals for 6 months’ time that I would have to achieve but would not help me until I reached 215lbs; a safe weight or as I call it “baby weight.” I did some changes, even made it my new year’s resolution; as if that was a new one, to lose the weight to have a baby, at 25 I felt I wasn’t getting any younger as this is going to take a while. May came, my 6 month checkup, where I all too well knew I didn’t achieve the goal of losing 24lbs. I stepped on the scale and it read 293.... one darn pound is what I lost in 6 months. The only way to take this was, at least I’m not 305lbs like in July. This still however put the devil in me. I walked out of that office savage and determined it was now or never to make this change. That Tuesday I started counting my calories and eating better. I lost 22lbs by doing this, but yet something was missing. I wasn’t exercising and knew they weren’t good for my body. I had done the whole gym thing before and I didn’t want to be embarrassed by going to one again. So, I got on the computer and started doing some research on Heavy Weights. Now, I hadn’t heard of this until my Doctor mentioned it to me. When I found the Facebook page I seen the new programs were starting up and The Smallest Winner was being introduced! I thought well losing weight and competition didn’t hurt anyone. I applied the night of the deadline at 11:30pm, thinking I’m never going to be picked. The next day came and I received the email it was like I won the lottery. I knew this was going to be the life changing event I needed! I completed the first program and happy to say I lost 21lbs and 17” in 28 days. I was then hooked! I did another program and another because the results were happening so fast I could see my goal so close, I couldn’t stop now. I’m proud to say that on October 25th, 2014 I made baby weight; actually I smashed it and weight in at 213lbs! I jumped off the scale; I danced, screamed and was shaking for a good 20 minutes after. I couldn’t believe that in less than a year everything was falling into place for once. On the day I made baby weight, my husband was there to share this with me, but not only did I have him there but my Heavy Weights family. I have met so many great people there and great friends, I don’t know what I would have done without their motivation and push to keep me going. Since starting with Heavy Weights I have lost 57lbs and 40” within 3 programs and a total of 92lbs since last July. Heavy Weights has not only taught me the healthy eating habits and workouts I need, but to be positive in life. So, with reaching baby weight, you would think, there was only one thing left to do, have a baby! But I have decided to start another program, as the healthier I can be before becoming pregnant the better it will be on me and the baby. This month I see my specialist again, who I can’t wait to see her reaction to my success and get the green light to start trying for a baby! Trust me, when it happens, everyone will know! But I want all the women out there who have been told what I have, that it is possible to lose the weight, it’s not too late. And most importantly it’s not your fault, as I blamed myself for years thinking it was; take action now and don’t waste time blaming and hurting yourself your goal is reachable! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Congrats to Kayla on becoming 92 lbs LIGHTER & Making Her Baby Weight!
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 15:08:09 +0000

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