Hey everyone! I’m Elaina Principato, the Multimedia Intern here - TopicsExpress


Hey everyone! I’m Elaina Principato, the Multimedia Intern here at the Student Success Centre (SSC), and I’ll be taking care of you guys from here on out. Andy kindly introduced me last week but I hadnt had the chance to introduce myself quite yet. You can check out my questionnaire down at the bottom but I also wanted to give you guys a brief summary of who I am and what I do. So first things first, I’m a new alumni from McMaster, graduating with a Humanities BA (Multimedia and Communications Combined Honours). When I first came to Mac I wasnt quite sure of what I wanted to do for the rest of my life and you know what? That’s okay. I did a general first year taking just about anything I could, including sociology, psychology, geology, multimedia, and peace studies. In the end I found what I excelled in and what I truly enjoyed. I learnt a lot from my time here at McMaster including how to stay focused, the importance of time management, and how to think creatively. As for what I do outside of McMaster, I am a passionate Hamiltonian and I love to explore my city. Hiking the trails, touring different waterfalls or trying new restaurants are some of my favourite things to do. You’d be surprised of the countless gems Hamilton has to offer outside of campus (and the Westdale area). You should enjoy your time here in Hamilton and explore a little! Lastly, I hope you all make the most of your years here at McMaster and learn from one another. If you guys ever need anything or have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask me or stop by my office for help (Gilmour Hall rm 110 or call 905 525-9140). Our front desk representatives know their stuff and can surly help you with just about anything! -------- Name / Nickname: Elaina Principato / I don’t really have one Hometown: Hamilton, ON. Born and raised! High School: St. Thomas Moore Secondary School in Hamilton Age: 21 Faculty: Humanities (BA Multimedia and Communication Studies); Favorite Music: I love a wide range of music. Classic rock of the 60s, 70s, and 80s as well as today’s Alt. Rock, EDM, and even some Classical (great for studying and working) Favourite TV Shows: I’m not really up to date with TV shows lately. The last show I watched regularly was Criminal Minds (until it got a little too gorey for me). I mostly go through Netflix binges. Currently im re-warching the Fresh Prince of Bellaire. Favourite Movies: I enjoy watching a whole bunch of movies! More specifically, all the classic Disney animations (especially the Lion King), all of the X-Men movies (and basically anything Marvel), pretty much all Pixar movies, and many many more. Favourite Computer Games: Oh gosh. So many. Borderlands 2, Left for Dead 2, Minecraft, Portal 2, and the list goes on. Favourite Blogs/Websites: Reddit. Favourite Food: I’m a definite foodie. I love all foods! If I had to choose a couple I would pick homemade pastas, pesto pizza, pineapple, veal/chicken cutlets/parmesan, and does chocolate count? Sports you play: None. I do yoga occasionally and like to take hikes on the countless Hamilton trails though. Do you party?: I’m not opposed to partying but I’d rather be in small groups, more like gatherings/hangouts. I would rather sit in a quiet place with my close friends than a busy room full of people I don’t know/can’t hear. Doesn’t mean I don’t have fun though! Do you drink (coffee)?: Yes! Sometimes I prefer a tea but when I need a good caffeine boost, coffee is my go-to drink of choice! Union Market has great (and cheap) coffee. They also like to swap up the flavoured coffees everyday so there’s something new to look forward to! Do you smoke?: Nope Into politics?: I wouldn’t say I’m “into” politics but it’s good to stay informed and know what’s happening in my community, province and country. Ever had a roommate?: Nope. I commuted to school so I’ve never had the res-life experience. Night owl or early bird?: I would say I’m a good balance of both. I love to sleep but I can stay up late/get up early. So long as I get my 8-hours I’m good to go! Time you go to bed on weeknights/weekends: 10 on weeknights and 12-1 on weekends Time you wake up on weekdays/weekends: 6:30am on weekdays and 10am on weekends Do you snore?: Nope Are your grades important: My grades were very important to me. I always put my full effort into my school work and that’s transferred into the job I do now! I will always do what I can to help you guys out. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask! Do you mind having people in your room?: Not really applicable to me but I suppose it’s alright. Do you mind having people stay over night?: Not really. So long as there aren’t too many people and they don’t mind the mess. How often do you talk on the phone?: Does Skype count? I’m on Skype everyday but I don’t tend to make phone calls as often. Any unusual habits?: Hmm. Not that I can think of. Clean or messy?: Messy room but clean working space. Shy or outgoing?: I am moderately introverted but I don’t mind spending time with others and socializing with people I know. I thrive in small groups of equals. Throw me on a stage in front of a large group of people and you’ll definitely see me squirm! Lazy or active?: I’d say a bit of both. I love to be lazy but I also get a bit stir-crazy when I stay indoors for too long. I love to go for walks and adventure Hamilton. The Bruce Trail is my go-to trail. You should take a walk there one day. Are you going to be working a job on/off campus?: I’ve been working on campus for about 2 years now. I started working here with the Student Success Centre as a student and they hired me on as a full-time staff when I graduated! Facebook: McMaster Student Success Centre Twitter: @macssc Pinterest: pinterest/macssc/ LinkedIn: McMaster Student Success Centre - Official Group Website/Blog: studentsuccess.mcmaster.ca
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 14:07:52 +0000

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