Hey gang! Coach Courtney Amburg just posted another great blog - TopicsExpress


Hey gang! Coach Courtney Amburg just posted another great blog explaining the importance of a training log. I myself found it very useful because this is something I dont do. Luckily my entire life being an elite level athlete I never needed it for lifestyle purposes. During football or even my during my colligiate baseball career at Georgia Southwestern we recorded our workouts. It let me know what I needed to work on. I was often top 5 in squat, bench or Deadlift but when it came to power cleans I was one of the worst on the team. That data gave me feedback that it wasnt a lack of power but a lack of the motor skills to perform the exercise. I has a solid routine every game from dinner the night before, breakfast, pregame snack and even my Red Bull 47 minutes before we took the field. OCD, maybe a little. Tracking allows you to make changes where needed. My new goal is to look like Theo Bowie! The only way I can put on the mass is to track my food intake, workouts and make sure I am getting appropriate rest. Theo I figured you would like to know you are inspiring even other coaches to train harder! Long story short I have trained with Courtney over the last year and she is in far better shape then me and the number one reason is her discipline to use data and take the guessing out of training. Check out her latest blog on our website!
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:37:17 +0000

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