Hey, its Howard and I hope your day is going well, and that the - TopicsExpress


Hey, its Howard and I hope your day is going well, and that the subject line of this newsletter didnt give you the creeps too much. Yet, Im glad youre reading todays installment especially. You see, today were going to begin talking about a few of the really interesting psychological constructs that are likely keeping you from getting the results you want - specifically because our contest IS starting today :) Im trying to keep our newsletter well rounded. And yes, I know some people hate psych and only want to hear about the diet and fitness how to and whys. However, trust me when I say that I wouldnt write about it unless I thought it were important. I like writing fine, Im just not a glutton for punishment… haha. Okay, so today, were going to talk about: The Lucifer Effect DEF - Environments and situations that cause good people to do bad things This is a very FASCINATING phenomenon. Basically, the gist of it is that if you can control someones environment or situation… … you can CONTROL THEM. A lot of this research started in the form of the Stanford Prison Experiment in the 1970s where a fellow named Zimbardo set up an interesting study where random volunteers were selected to participate and the acute psychological effects of being imprisoned where being examined. (initially, the study was supposed to help determine if the traditional prison set up was actually rehabbing prisoners) Volunteers were given thorough psych evaluations. Everyone was deemed normal by all accounts. In the experiment, subjects were randomly assigned to be either INMATES or GUARDS. Inmates were given numbers and prison dress and guards were given guard uniforms, shades, hats, etc… typical guard uniforms. The study was supposed to last for a few weeks… … it only lasted ONE. Prisoners revolted. Many showed signs of heavy psych stress and a few actually had psychological breakdowns. Guards hazed inmates (on their own) and basically treated them like dirt in order to keep control No one was told to do any of these things. Upon completion of the study, during debriefing, both guards and inmates gave their accounts of why they did what they did. Guards siting how putting on the uniform (and especially shades) actually removed their own personal identify and was replaced by a guard identify. Inmates reported similar identity shifts. The thing to note is that ONLY the environment and the situation was changed. These REGULAR college aged kids REACTED this way. (and as the environment morphed to being more hostile, the worse it got) And after only 1 week… 1 week. The study had to be put to a halt. So what does this have to do with you and getting results with AGR and winning a contest? Simple. Your environment controls you. You react to it. You need to understand this next point. YOUR NUMBER ONE RESPONSIBOILITY AND HOPE FOR GETTING THE RESULTS YOU WANT INVOLVES YOU CONTROLLING THE ENVIRONMENT THAT CONTROLS YOU… Whew, thats a mouthful. Let me give you an example. (and this will lead into the next lesson as well) Lets say you start out wanting to get in shape. Maybe youve found Adonis and youre interested in looking really good. So you start working out and instead of taking advantage of our community, you start to hang out in another community. The next thing you know, youre learning about all these supposed intolerancesthat you MAY have, so you start to modify your food intake dramatically, cutting all all the supposed bad foods until you literally CREATE the intolerance that you thought you had in the first place. Kind of like a self fulfilling prophesy. But heres the funny thing: YOU NEVER HAD AN INTOLERANCE IN THE FIRST PLACE! Yet, by hanging out in this environment, youve come to believe that clearing out these pseudo intolerances is the way to go to shortcut your results and get hot. A couple of grand later in strange supplements (that dont do anything aside from contributing to the Placebo Effect), and weird food… … youre the same or even worse off than you were before This is goal hijacking in action. However, heres something very important to remember: Goal hijacking only happens when you immerse yourself in environments and situations that go AGAINST what you were originally after You cant get goal hijacked without the passive peer pressure attached to different environments. And passive peer pressure is SNEAKY. Surround yourself with the same environment long enough, and ANYTHING can seem okay. And this isnt the only example by far, Im sure you can think of more. But it illustrates how all of this works. I GUARANTEE youve fallen victim to this before. I know I have. Nowadays, I am VERY cognizant of the environments and situations Im a part of. I know how much of a slippery slope it is. And yes, Ive done some very bad stuff because of this effect. We all have. Pay very special attention to the Lucifer Effect - it can get you in a ton of trouble sure, but the big kicker is that it can completely derail your efforts and results. If you need help with this, Adonis Premier Coaching may be where its at for you. Check it out and see! clients.adonisindex/premium-one-on-one-coaching/ Tomorrow, were going to wrap this up with another side of this effect, one that Ill bet youve never considered, and one I was going to write about today, but needed to put this part out first :) Stay cool, Brad p.s. This effect works in reverse as well. Want to get a certain result in life Money, better relationships, a great body, etc? Surround yourself with these type of people. (Like great coaches!) This is another reason why we get such great results, our community is AWESOME! Angel Effect in action :)
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 22:00:00 +0000

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