Hey wives and daughters, here are a hand full of riddles to help - TopicsExpress


Hey wives and daughters, here are a hand full of riddles to help you get started. Remember the more we have the better so keep looking. Riddles Q: What is the best thing to put into a pie? A: Your teeth. Q: How many sides does a barrel have? A: Two, the inside and the outside. Q; When may a tiger enter the palace of the Sultan? A: When the door is open. Q: Which side of a tiger has more fur? A: The outside. Q: Where is the ocean the deepest? A: AT the bottom. Q: Why was the elephant the first animal on Noah’s ark? A: It already had its trunk packed. Q: What grows larger the more you take away from it? A: A hole? Q: How far can you go into the woods? A: Half way then you are going out of the woods. Q: What is the thing that always goes up and never comes down? A: Your age. Q: What has rivers with no water, mountains with no stones, cities with no people and roads with no traffic? A: A map. Q: I sizzle like bacon, but come from an egg, have plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg. What am I? A: A snake. Q: The man who makes it doesn’t need it. The man who buys it doesn’t want it. The man who uses it doesn’t know it. What is it? A: A coffin. Q: What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment but never in a thousand years? A: The letter M. Q: What starts with a T ends with a T and is full of T? A: A tea pot. Q: I drive men mad for the love of me, I am easily beaten but never free, what am I? A: Gold. Q: Though not a bird I’m feathered And I have a mobile nest I’m swift in flight and having flown I always come to rest. What am I? A: an arrow Q: I have a head with jagged cut I keep the wicked hand out shut I go in darkness, wear a ring One is silent, many sing. What am I? A; A key
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 21:06:26 +0000

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