Hi... Dr. Cheney here... So, we are running our If Mom Aint - TopicsExpress


Hi... Dr. Cheney here... So, we are running our If Mom Aint Healthy Aint Nobody Healthy promotion--- (Cheryl, as a retired English teacher turned Chiropractic Office Manager Extraordinaire, please forgive the poor language:) This is testing is a healthy mom test to screen for the scariest things that could happen to one of the most important women in your life. We dont want to find things like breast cancer, ovarian cancer, or heart disease... But if we can catch these terrible things early, we can save mommas life. It truly is life or death. The first test we run is a standard Lipid (Cholesterol) panel to screen for elevated cholesterol which is a known risk factor for heart disease and many other problems. Second we run a High Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP) which is a specific marker for inflammation within the blood vessels that could be the most sensitive indicator for predicting the potential for heart diseases and strokes. This sounds scary, but this test could add life to moms years... Yes that was life to moms years. Next we run a CA125 and a CA15-3. These test are like a PSA (prostate specific antigen) test that men have done to screen for prostate cancer. I have never understood why the medical community in America is fine with screening men for prostate cancer with a blood test, but insist on uncomfortable and invasive palpation of a womens pelvic region and breasts when the science clearly states that a CA125 can more clearly and sensitively detect Ovarian Cancer than is ever noticed during a standard pap and pelvic exam done at a yearly well woman check up. Likewise, a CA15-3 can be used to indicate whether further testing may be needed to rule out breast cancer (which currently is affecting between 1 in 5 and 1 in 3 women under 65 years of age). A CA15-3 and CA125 test are not recommended as screening tools by the American Medical Association, however, in many European countries these are the only tests that are done to screen for these scary conditions. In my opinion, if a PSA is a good screening tool for prostate diseases in men, without regular digital rectal exams, then maybe, just maybe a blood test to screen for ovarian and breast cancer for women makes great sense. Especially if it is already used worldwide. OK. I get it. Long post, but this is important stiff and My wife, my Mom, and the women in your life deserve it! This group of tests normally cost $153-cash price. For the month of May, we can provide this amazing, life saving, preserving, and Healthy Momma testing for $129... YES... Than was $129.00!!! Help us keep all moms healthy and well.
Posted on: Wed, 07 May 2014 04:06:23 +0000

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