Hi again, Ive four weeks done of boot camp and although knackered - TopicsExpress


Hi again, Ive four weeks done of boot camp and although knackered Im getting stronger by the day. Mummy and daddy keep saying Ive got heavier and before any of you start saying its those supersize American portions, I have it on good authority from all my new buddies in RIC its all the muscle Im building!! Lets see, since I spoke to you what have I been doing in therapy? At last Im learning how to take off my socks - thats great fun and I have lots of giggles with Anna every evening as we race to take our socks off, sometimes I end up catching my foot once the sock is off and try to put my foot in my mouth!!!! I can now stand, with just some support for 10 minutes, without a whimper or a cry. When I started here I could barely manage a minute and would cry the duration of that minute! Many of you probably didnt know this but my lip and mouth muscles were very weak so a lot of food would dribble out of my mouth and I found it very hard to close my lips while feeding. Huge progress has been made here, as mummy says Im the dribble free zone now! Still room for me to improve but streets ahead of where I was at before I came. I have been introduced to the whole new world of technology and boy is it fun! Im using an app to tell mummy, daddy and Anna what I would like to say and I think between you and me (I dont like to brag!) the therapists here are amazed at my progress. A few days ago I was able to identify what animal sound matches with what animal, I scored 100%!! Im using the app to try to make choices about toys Id like to play with, food Id like to eat, instruments Id like to play (mummy likes this bit!). Aside from all this hard work we are still doing the touristy thing, weather a bit cool so not as much time at the beach but we still get there- we are Irish after all!! We have visited the museum of science and industry and were at a baseball game last Thursday in Wrigley Field. Great fun but give me rugby any day, however, please dont ask me to choose between Munster and Leinster! Our stay has been extended as the therapists are delighted with my progress so Ill have therapy til the 15th August, 6 weeks in total! As you all enjoy your bank holiday Monday please think of me working hard for three hours tomorrow! Beginning to miss the old sod now but Ill work very hard for the next two weeks and hopefully when I see you all on my return youll see the fruits of my labour. Love Robert and the gang xxx Ps another few piccies of me working and chilling with Anna on the beach after a hard weeks work
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 03:27:52 +0000

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