Hi guys, here I am again! Finally! Boy, was I ever busy setting - TopicsExpress


Hi guys, here I am again! Finally! Boy, was I ever busy setting up shop! Luckily Mrs. Messy Hair was there to help me, because Spotty Pants and Coco are no help at all! And that stripey guy? Forget it! We cats dont do manual labour he says. Snooty pants! Just wait till I have my first sale! Ill rub his pink, fat nose in it! With all that going on - actually it was Mrs. Messy Hair who was doing all the work - it was hard to get some time off to chill out with my buddies and to let you guys know what I was doing everyday. Supervising and cracking the proverbial whip is hard work! Rowfrowfrowf! Well anyway, I found a new game to play. Its called tugging the palm frond. Simple really. You find a palm leaf thats lying on the ground and play tug-o-war with it. Just one teeny problem... Spotty Pants and Coco are pulling together. Against me! How do you like that!?! Its not fair I tell you! Woooooooohoooooooooooo...... I plant my 4 paws firmly on the ground, digging in, but, but I just get dragged across the floor! Of course I never win, however hard I try. I just cant! .... Woooooooo....... Mooom! Theyre ganging up on me! I was so mad about it the other night, out of frustration I started chewing up my own blanket.... Not a good idea guys... Mrs. Messy Hair, who was tired of being bossed about by me (I was only sorta trying to encourage her to work a lot faster) jumped at that and took away my blanket! I had to sleep on the bare floor of my bench ALL NIGHT.... Well... Almost all night.... Well okay, I got it back when it was really bedtime. But still... Just you guys try staying calm when Spots and Coco are howling We are the champions all the time. And about a game I invented! ME!!! Well, now Im an en-tre-pe-neur. Thats fancy talk for businessdog! Yeah. So nyah-nyah! Take that, Spots and Kookie Coco!!! My pal Sharon Cvetanoski (Darwins pack leader) taught me that word: entrepeneur. Its a French word originally, it seems. Hey Du Chef! Did you know that? Bet you did! Du Chefs one smart dude and has started a modelling carreer. Well sorta... He walks shows sometimes. Bon chance, mon ami! Well anyway, thats what was up with me these coupla days. How are you all doin out there? Your pack leaders doin okay? You all well? You been up to naughty, nice, great or not-so-great stuff? Hey Darwin, I heard ya got a little toy boat and you named it the Beagle... Rowfrowfrowf!!! (Just kidding) Really, Id love to hear from yall! Lotsa licks and high paws to everyone! Chester (Who is thinking about enrolling at Harvard Business School)
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 10:38:13 +0000

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