Hi people! My intent is to honestly share some information with - TopicsExpress


Hi people! My intent is to honestly share some information with you today. This may or may not be for you, however, will you give me a chance to convey what it is??? Yes? Thank you!!!!!! My team and I are Entrepreneurs on the rise, and we are Independent Business Owners with Wakeup Now. Hold on- can I finish? Yes? Great!! Our goal is to become successful, and build a strong foundation. Our team is comprised of supportive, positive, encouraging, motivating, winning people!!! We rely on each other!! Our team is comprised of the young and old- hard working individuals, people who hold degrees; who are teachers, who are social workers, who are office professionals and medical professionals, and who are thriving artists in music and motivational speaking!!!! We have successful mentors (Yvec Coaching) in our lives to continually teach us because we don’t know it all!! We are teachable!!! We read and ponder on literature everyday so that we may become successful. We put God 1st in our lives because without God- we are nothing! We have weekly home meetings. We call each other every day! We send positive support to each other! Simply put, we are family! We win together, we fall together. But we believe that we will never fail- and if we do- we fail together because failure will bring us MORE SUCCESS!!! We are not quitters!! So let me ask you this: What do Billionaires and Multi-millionaires like Oprah Winfrey, Donald Trump, Bill Gates and Robert Kiyosaki believe about creating wealth and Network Marketing? Network Marketing is the way to go!!!!!! Especially when it comes to building residual income-income that pays you over and over and over and over!!!!!! I am grateful, humble and fortunate to say that I was able to leave my job in March 2014, and at first I thought, “ How am I going to make it?” You know what?? I’ve been alright!!!! I prayed and left it in God’s hands- he is my provider, he is the only way!!! Of course, when it comes to finding a credible company, you have a few things you want to look at to make sure you’re on the right path, and join a network marketing company that you can get happy about! That’s why we are here. We will meet you, talk with you as a team, make you feel comfortable and even take you out to breakfast, lunch or dinner- our treat! Better yet, come to my home and let me cook you a nice meal! I get it- I understand that you need your jobs because the bills have to get paid. I know that some of you may enjoy your jobs; however, I believe that most of you know that you’re job isn’t ALL THAT… and you’d give anything to walk into your job and say to your boss, “I’m out of here”!!! I love being at home!!! Did you hear me??!!!!! I love being at home!!!! Working from home, waking up when I want, spending time with my family, avoiding traffic and not being part of the rat race!!! We were created to live here on earth no other way!!! It’s in the bible!!! This is what life is about!!! Dave Ramsey (look him up if you haven’t heard of him) says that “debt has been sold to us for so long that we feel we can’t survive without it”. Dave Ramsey also knows that multi-level marketing is a way to go! Robert Kiyosaki says that owing a house is a liability not an asset. We want assets! Assets= Money!! Assets=Money, Assets =Money!!! Becoming part of Wakeup Now can provide you with extra income. And guess what? If you work hard enough you may be able to leave your job one day, because you are earning enough residual income to do so!!! I’m a hustler, and I will no longer work hard for someone else. Being an Entrepreneur is not easy, but guess what?? I’d rather work hard for myself than anyone else!!!!!! My team and I are looking for as many people as possible to join our winning team, “The Pacesetters”! Some of you may be hesitant because all you see is the negativity and immaturity when others have been promoting WAKEUP NOW. We will not belittle you, or talk down to you, or make you feel like you need WAKEUP NOW. However, if you stick with us, we will make sure that you win! I was reading an article yesterday, and it stated, “Mr. Lapp was a truck driver but soon his company let him go. He and his wife joined a multi-level marketing company and they thrived at it. They enjoyed it so much, that their business was successful and the company is now their bread and butter”!! They have made so much money and it’s possible!!!!! They are earning six figures with this company! They say there Plan B turned into Plan A!!! I know that you may be scared, but come and take the ride with us. We can’t fail. Failure is not in our vocabulary!!! But failure leads to success!! What?? You didn’t know that??? Look at how many times Michael Jordan failed. Have you seen the movie, the Pursuit of Happiness?” We are not telling you to leave your job. Just come talk to us and see if this is something that works for you- as an extra source of income……. Contact anyone of us!!! And I’m glad that you’ve allowed me to share my spiel! Have a great day!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 17:19:06 +0000

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