Highlights from the Nov. 13 Doctor Who: Legacy stream with the Adi - TopicsExpress


Highlights from the Nov. 13 Doctor Who: Legacy stream with the Adi Pose: < Adi-isms > - I have disconnected my ear, so to speak – well, one ear – because I need to keep an ear out for Izzie. So if I suddenly disappear, it’s because I’m off to fetch a baby. - This is another level where Lee decided, after having defeated one round of Cyberman, let’s give them more Cyberman. But at least he’s altered the size, to give it a sense of, I don’t know, danger. - Well, when we come back from commercial, we’ll put some of your questions to Susan, and then we’ll get a look at the Third Doctor and his elusive costume and then I’ll choke more on stream. Bye! - This person’s review is talking about the game crashing after a while, and sometimes disappearing from the home screen. Basically his main complaint is crashing. Is that something you hear a lot, Susan? Susan? [pause] Oh. I think I might have lost her. Susan’s done a Pete. Susan’s done a Pete. . . .Aka running away when I ask something. - Oh I have a new follower, how nice. But wait. There’s no name. How can I have a new follower but no name? - I just took a Cyberman to the face, so let me just . . . um . . . re-start that. - I might die. . . Again. . . . Why is still giving me 0?? Oooh I barely just survived that! Oh wow, that came out really campy. Sorry. Let’s try this again. - And of course, DWL next week! Same Who channel . . . what do I say again? Same back channel, same . . . Ah yes, Same Who channel, same who time! If I’d thought that out beforehand, it could’ve been way smoother. Of course, the chat is always open, there are always people here chatting about DW and life and love and everything else, so party it out people! < Conversations > Adi: Hello! It’s me again and – whoa whoa this is unacceptable. You can actually see the green screen, that is so unacceptable. You need to see the magic. I’ll fix this and then do the credits again, cuz this ruins everything. There! Oh wait, my head is now out of the frame. Oh how professional I am. . . Onlymetahuman: I appreciate that the green screen is actual green paper. Tpaper93: I miss the cats. Bring back the unprofessional! Susan: Apparently Twitch is refusing to let me log in, so today I am TinyRebelNothing. Adi: What? Susan: I am Lee today, because Twitch is refusing to let me log in to myself. Adi: Well, you and Lee are for the most part interchangeable. You are the San part of the Lusan. Adi: How was last week’s show without me? Have you recovered from the shock? Susan: Somewhat. Adi: How was Lee? Was he able to actually finish sentences? Susan: Well, our beta version was having huge problems, actually, so Lee talked. A lot. Adi: So basically what you’re telling me is that after you nearly killed yourselves releasing content every week for Season 8, you’ve chosen to make your next step to release content every day? Susan: And it gets worse. Adi: Great plan. Susan: I mean, last year was all promo codes. To make it harder, Lee has decided to make a new level day. Adi: When he suggested it, was there an awkward pause followed by you slapping him? Susan: Actually he suggested it on stream. Last week. Adi: Did you suggest discussing it off stream? Susan: Jack was not as outraged as I thought he would be, and so, um, it might work. Disclaimer, it might not always work out. Justdrawnthatway: OMG Lee suggested this off-hand on twitch. He is crazy! Adi: Why are you coming across the pond again? Business or pleasure? Susan: Pleasure. Family, in fact, we do this every year. Newguardian2814: You may actually take some time off? Wow! Adi: The chat seems unable to wrap their heads around the idea of you taking a vacation, Susan. Susan: We had such a great week last week, even though it was supposed to be our day off – Adi: Did you not take the day off? Susan: Well, I mean, we kind of did, we had some great Posse members scolding us every time we popped up on Twitter like Alvin and iPurpleNinjah, but what happened was – drumroll please – we were featured on iOS as one of the top four free games. Alvin1104: I hassled ninjah. Tinydancer485: And you didn’t listen anyways, Susan. Alvin1104: I meant Susan, dang it, I hassled Susan. Adi: What genre would you say DWL is, roleplaying or puzzle game? Susan: Both. We were kinda nervous in the beginning that people would see “puzzle game” and go “ugh”. But, um, in the end, no one cared. Like no one cared it was a puzzle game. So it wasn’t quite the downplayer we thought it would be. Susan: By the way, November 27 is the game’s anniversary. It’s also Thanksgiving in the US, but, um, not for you, so we might do the show anyways. I can talk and cook. Adi: Well, it isn’t Thanksgiving over here, sooo. . . Susan: Exactly. Adi: Maybe we can get stand-ins, that sound kinda of like you, but not really you, to just announce false things. Like “We’re getting Donna tomorrow!” Adi: If you hadn’t mentioned it, I wouldn’t have connected the Roundels to the TARDIS. Susan: You might’ve thought it was the Dixie dinner plates. Which you still don’t know what they are, do you. Adi: I’ll just smile and nod. Adi: The reviews have been flying in for this game, and here it’s still a 4.5 rating, so that’s awesome. Susan: It’s 5 in the US, what’s with you Brits? Adi: Well, maybe you Americans are just “better”. Adi: Hang on, I might hear an Izzie. You keep talking. Susan: Sooo, quick, what should we talk about when Adi’s gone? Adi: I’m back! Turns out, I was hearing the kids next door. Susan: Oh yes, I was just done talking about crashing. [After Adi has died several times on the same level] Adi: So your argument is, if you didn’t beat the level, it’s your fault? Susan: Yes. Adi: Let’s see if you lot can guess the theme behind my team of the week? [pause] The Entire Chat: They all died and came back. Adi: Aww. . . I thought I was being really clever. Like really subtle and clever. And yet here is everyone guessing it right away. . . Susan: You can’t trick your fans, Adi. [pause] So where is Captain Jack? Adi: Oh. Oh my god where is he? Susan: Are you saying you forgot??? Adi: No, no, I just, uh, sorta ran out of spaces on the team. . . . Adi: As a slightly darker thread of thought, can we have a costume of Osgood with a pile of dust and her glasses nearby? Susan: That would be difficult. Adi: Well, characters do die . . . Adi: Do we have the same banging problems for noise? Susan: No, I also have a child on my lap. Adi: My child has been removed by a showered mother. [Adi dies again] Andrewnuva199: Adi Killcount go! Adi: Ahh, Andrew has started the Adi death count. You are all soooo nice. Adi: I must, as many people are in chat, wish Hues of blue a happy birthday! I did ask Lee if he would sing you happy birthday on stream, but he just sort of disappeared at that point. And, um, has not come back. Susan: Yeah, Lee’s a little shy on the singing thing. Hues_of_blue_23: Oh, I’m so disappointed. . . Susan: Oh, yeah, you missed that last week, we are creating a new buff system. Adi: I’m about to die. I mean, yeah, that sounds cool, but I am also about to die. Pink gems pink gems pink gems. . . Susan: I shall leave you to deal with that then. Adi: Come on heal heal heal – no! No! it’s healing me for 0! They were real pink gems! Real pink gems! Why?!?!?! AdI: I just died. Again. I am not gonna change my team, I am determined to win with this team. Next question. Why - Susan: No. Adi: Aw Fine. Fair enough. Adi: I am about to die again. I think I need to rearrange my team to have a healer on it. Zrsone: Use rory? Penultimate21: Yeah, Adi, Rory is a healer. Adi: Um, several people have pointed out that I do actually have a healer on my team. Yeah, I spotted that, used that. Thanks. That’s why I’m here, to show how it’s done. Adi: Well, I notice this time you managed to actually properly change the title of my stream. Susan: Yeah, that was all Lee. Adi: Cuz last time you did it, it was like “Adi plays Battlefield” and everyone involved was very confused. < Cool Chat Chatter > Hues_of_Blue_23: My daughter made a cake... Shidohari: and it tasted good right? Angelina_M: I made a huge pot of pasta and some garlic bread. But now I want cake lol. Shidohari: angelina you need to send us all your food or at least hues. Hues_of_Blue_23: Yep. Wait Angelina needs to send you hues? Angelina_M: I dont need to send anything to Hues. Hes a drivable distance away. He can come up for dinner any time. Hues_of_Blue_23: I have a spare, Ang. Shidohari: you have a spare ang? i didnt know you had a spare of her lol. Angelina_M: I have a cousin with the same exact name. But shes a lot younger. Hues_of_Blue_23: A LOT younger? Must be an infant. Shidohari: lol Angelina_M: 12. Maybe 14 at this point. Ive never met her so Im not sure. Found out about her when I was 20. Hues_of_Blue_23: Thats almost the same as you! Same age as my son. Should we set them up? Angelina_M: Im in my thirties. That isnt the same as 14. Hues_of_Blue_23: At my age, its about the same. Labradite: UGGG. there was a rag on the board from turn 8 to 22. Hues_of_Blue_23: And you survived, Lab? Thats impressive. Shidohari: was it a clean rag? or was it a soapy dishwater one. Labradite: well its was three different rags. Labradite: shes trying to convince me to get a dog. Detetiv400: you already have 1 tho... spiggster: ner. Labradite: penny isnt my dog. and my roommate is moving out at the end of the month. but dont tell penny that she isnt mine. shell disagree with you. i actually wonder if that was the final straw that is making her move. . . spiggster: that her dog likes you more? maybe she should have spent more time with her. Labradite: yeah. I know right? its funny cause penny liking me so much was one of the reasons why she wanted me to move in over the other people. She has to come get her out of my bed when she wants to go to sleep. spiggster: why cant she leave peeny where she want to be? [pause] LLOL PEENY. Labradite: LLoL. Labradite: speaking of, its the beasts dinner time. Hues_of_Blue_23: heh. [spiggster is the beast] Hues_of_Blue_23: rawr? Detetiv400: spigg is the caps beast. spiggster: WORD. Quotes courtesy of TheAdiposeTV, and Susan and Lee of TinyRebelGames, as well as Onlymetahuman, Tpaper93, Justdrawntheway, Alvin1104, Tinydancer485, Andrewnuva199, Zrsone, Penultimate21, Hues OBlue, Angelina_M, Shidohari, Labradite, Detetiv400, and spiggster
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 04:13:02 +0000

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