Hire the handicapped But Im not sure about the mentally ill for - TopicsExpress


Hire the handicapped But Im not sure about the mentally ill for certain jobs... Richard Schatten: Allowing the Inmates to run the Asylum. Deregulating Wall Street??...because all those Bankers and Stock Brokers, are so honest and trustworthy...and only care about the welfare of our nation, and whats good for the people...remember!! theyre the Job Creators!! Well!! with that said...Shit does floats to the top...and with all the filth, that is constantly exchanged between Politicos and their Benefactors...they might as well, just do it openly!! Be honest!! The GOP represents the top 1% of this nation, and they will do anything, even if it means the destruction of our society, in this country...to protect the elite, and particularly the Koch Bros, who stand to gain the most...and who represents every Immoral, Indecent, and Religious Value, the GOP stands for today. Deregulate!! so that all the people who have been ripped off, and scammed by Bankers and Stock Brokers...can now be ripped off and scammed...legally!! Allow the Banking Industry to charge whatever exorbitant rates they desire, and how they can spend your hard earned $$$...and if their investments hit rock bottom??...you lose it all!! If theres no Regulation...Banks neednt be Federally Insured!! As for Brokers?? Martha Stewart can now get all the inside trade tips she wants!! Leverage Buyout brokers will have a field day...not having to worry, how Kosher their operations are, or how far the regulators are!!...a Gift for Mitt and Bain Capital. And a redemption of sort, for Bernie Madoff!!...how many more people are going to get ripped off by Ponzi style scams??...knowing theres no regulations, and they can legally pull it off?? the Madoffs of this world, and everyone else in Wall Street are thanking their partners in crime, in Washington, DC. This is mid-term election season, all this is just Political Grandstanding...the bill will be die in Senate Committee, and all this time and taxpayers $$$, will be wasted again by this congress. But in all their infinite wisdom...they managed to present a Bill, to the US Senate...where it will be scrutinized, ripped apart, and destroyed...by non other, than Bankers and Wall Streets worst nightmare...Elizabeth Warren!! While simultaneously...because of the her spotlight, caused by the introduction of the Bill...theyre unknowingly helping her built some good, strong, future bragging credentials!! No one said, theyre smart!!
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 06:15:36 +0000

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