History has a tendency of repeating itself and it became rather - TopicsExpress


History has a tendency of repeating itself and it became rather evident to me when my focus suddenly shifted last week from my family vacation in Europe to the flurry of surreal political developments at home. The fact that it happened as soon as I left home was of no surprise to me. I have grown accustomed to the fact that something noteworthy is bound to happen in Alberta every time I leave on vacation. Ive learned my lesson. Aside from my shaving kit, hair gel and books, I now travel with a robust cellular long distance data plan (now that its available). What caught my interest this time however, was the fact that exactly at this time of year, exactly ten years ago, I took a trip to visit my relatives in Europe and that journey was while I was anxiously awaiting the results of an election recount that later dubbed me as Landslide Lukaszuk. Those three precious votes had a profound, humbling and enduring impact on me as a rookie politician. It was the most painful, yet effective way of realizing whom I serve as an elected official. Those three months in electoral limbo also made me learn that political parties are not the families, as they often like to refer to themselves and that most partnerships in politics are nothing more than transactional relationships. I had the advantage of learning that the moment my seat vanished, so did my usefulness to the family. I was on my own. Through persistence (and a legal bill to pay), I regained my seat and with it an understanding of whats important. Ten years later, I find myself in front of a plate of delicious, but artery clogging pierogis in Poland, again embroiled in thoughts of politics back home. This time is perhaps a bit different, however. This time the most liberating and energizing experience of my political service is still fresh on my mind. I can still vividly remember thousands of conversations with Albertans. I know in detail their collective hopes for tomorrow in Alberta. Despite their apparent diversity, I am still surprised how similar Albertans vision for our collective future is. We may pride ourselves in our tough back to the basics image, but in reality were welcoming, kind, fair, progressive and hard working people bound only by one ideology - pragmatism. So, with all that on my mind, I will enjoy few more sights, few more tasty dishes and a family Christmas vacation, and then, re-energized, Ill return home to serve best I can those who entrusted me with the three invaluable votes... Happy New Year everyone...
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 15:18:29 +0000

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