Hitlers fascism is reincarnated in Ukraine Statement of the South - TopicsExpress


Hitlers fascism is reincarnated in Ukraine Statement of the South Ossetian political party Justice Labor Development In November 2013 Ukrainian authorities postponed the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU. This was the beginning of civil protest actions staged by the European oriented part of the population. The result of this process was the overthrow and exile in mid-February 2014, (and soon can be expected the arrest) of the incumbent President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, whose antinational and anti-state ruling is beyond any doubt. However, despite the apparent disability of Yanukovych and his entourage during the ruling in Ukraine, the international community has witnessed in the bowels of the civil protests a military-political reincarnation of Hitlers fascism. Slogans and theses on the surface of these processes, today turned into the Legislative Assembly draft laws of Ukraine, the need to create in Ukraine a mono national environment, a ban on all other languages except Ukrainian, a ban on other sources of information are the full proof of that and lead us to the inevitability of the specified perception and without in-depth study of the covered processes. Moreover, we cannot ignore the fact that the above mentioned postulates of reincarnation of Hitlers fascism are in complete contradiction with the whole set of fundamental articles of Ukrainian Constitution (Basic Law), namely : Article 1, Article 3, Article 5, Article 10, Article 11, p. 15, Article 21, Article 22, p. 24. International community should not also be blind to discrediting the institutions of the statehood in Ukraine. Here is the quote from the speech of one of the organizers of the protests, uttered a few days ago at a rally in Kiev on the occasion of the success of the protesters against the Ukrainian authorities: We should be more organized and continue the fight to rid the country of the internal occupation! ! Fascism is an ideology that mankind has already experienced in the mid-20th century during World War II and its content and consequences are well known. The world community, especially the countries of the so-called post-Soviet space, which suffered the greatest damage from fascism, should have special moral obligation and high mission, ensuring non-occurrence of a similar ideology both at the present historical stage and in the future. In this sense, we state a significant omission of the fact that at the moment fascism is not equated with international terrorism as a threat to international security and stability. Republic of South Ossetia, as the country repeatedly subjected to attacks of the Georgian fascism, including in modern era, is well aware of all the consequences of triumph of such an ideology. Speaking about the need to recognize fascism as a factor of threat to international security, the political party Justice Labor Development also proceeds from the fact that at the end of XX - the beginning of XXI centuries could have been avoided the tragic trajectory of developments in South Ossetia and Abkhazia, if the international community had developed a responsible attitude to all forms of manifestation of fascism, since the end of World War II. Based on the above, recognizing the high moral and responsible mission against fascism in post-Soviet countries, the political party Justice Labor Development considers it necessary to: a) Recognize fascism as one of the key threats to international security, along with international terrorism; b) Political party Justice Labor Development recognizes competent a uncompromising attitude to all forms of manifestation of fascism by the leading countries of post-Soviet space, proclaiming them as a threat to national security, with appropriate actions against them, wherever they take place.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 05:16:09 +0000

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