Holy Macaroni & Cheeseballs! It worked and its only day 3!! - TopicsExpress


Holy Macaroni & Cheeseballs! It worked and its only day 3!! Everyone was on time, lunches had more than one food group, we did our morning devotionals, no arguments over the the last go-gurt, no sock meltdowns, no lost backpacks, vitamins down the hatch and I think they even all had clean underwear on (although I cant verify that one). I made it to the gym feeling gloriously ready for a great day (NOTHING like yesterday)! This is most remarkable to me because usually its November before our chaos gets organized like this. I took a different approach with the morning routine this year and its actually working. Simplified it and no exact time for things, more of a window of opportunity approach. Meets the kids personalities and how our family works best vs exact times everyone must be at the table for breakfast or specific order of things. MUST SHARE! KEEPING YOUR COOL IN SCHOOL - MORNING SCHEDULE: Up and at em by 7:15. Showers close at 7:40. Kitchen closes at 7:50. Mom closes at 8:00. (no more help making lunches, pouring milk, braiding hair, signing homework slips and locating lost items). Booty in the Van at 8:10. It gives them and I some structure but allows them control too. Avree likes to get dressed first, eat/pack last. Austin wants to eat first and then fiddly-dink around. Aidan is a shot in the dark depending on his volume of sleep and access to his favorite shorts. Fingers crossed this will work great the mornings Scotts kids are with us too. There will be bumps for sure but as Aidan shouted as we pulled out of the driveway Now we know how awesome and on time we can be! Then we sang the Lego theme song all the way school. Im quite certain doves and squirrels were following us down the road and glitter was shooting out of my tailpipe! Such a great morning!
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 18:25:44 +0000

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