Home made pizza base and sauce! Pizza is an oven - TopicsExpress


Home made pizza base and sauce! Pizza is an oven baked flat bread topped with a tomato sauce, cheese and various toppings. The modern Pizza was invented in Naples , Italy and the dish has since become popular in many parts of the world You will love making it at home,and nothing like home made pizza sauce. Tasty! Recipe Pizza dough 3 cups maida 3 tbsp olive oil 1 tsp salt 1/2cup warm milk 1 1/4 th teasp dry yeast 1 teasp sugar 2 tbsp warm water. 2 teaspoon honey. Method Add sugar to the warm water. Now add yeast. Give a gentle stir with a spoon, to mix everything. Cover and leave till it froths, maybe 10 mts ! Add everything to the maida, honey, olive oil, salt. Mix it once or twice witha ladel, ideally with a balloon whisk. Add the frothy yeast, mix again the same way. Add milk half of the quantity, mix again add the rest mix well.remember lukewarm milk! Knead to a smooth dough. I put it on the counter top in my kitchen and knead. It should be a smooth and soft dough in 10 mts. Cover with a talc sheet, or cling wrap or wet cloth and keep it in a draft free place. I keep it in my oven itself. Switched off! This is how the yeast looks after frothing! The dough after kneading. Covered with a wet cloth. Leave the dough until it doubles in volume, say for 2 hrs. After 2 hrs flip it back on the kitchen table, and punch and knead, the idea is to knock off the air inside the dough. Do it for 5 mts. Put it back covered for another 20 mts. Knead for 2 mts ,take a oiled baking tray, pat it and spread it onthe tray in the desired shape u want Or divide into 4 balls, roll out each with the rolling pin. Put it on the tray. Prick it all over with a fork. Drizzle olive oil over the pizza. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 c for 20 mts . Or Put topping over this ,along with the sauce and mozzarella and bake same way at 180 c I have made a braided pizza, first timer make the one above a plain round one. I made one pizza out of the whole dough, kinda of deep dish pizza. It was excellent ! Sauce Tomatoes 500 gms large onion 1 chopped Leek 1 chopped Celery 1 stick chopped Red chilli pwd 1 tsp Sugar 2 tsp Garlic1 tsp chopped Fresh cream 3 tbsp opt Oregano 1 tsp or 1/2 tsp ajwain Salt Oil 3 tbsp Water 1/4 th cup Method Blanch tomatoes in boiling water for 15 mts. Remove peel, chop roughly. Heat oil add onion, garlic, celery, leek for 5 mts. Add tomatoes, chilli pwd, oregano, sugar ans salt and cook for 10 mts. Add water if required ! Add cream, mix and remove atonce from fire. Preparation for topping Once the pizza base has been pricked with the fork and olive oil drizzled. Add a layer of this sauce. Followed by a layer of Mozzarella. Add topping, peppers, mushrooms,minced onion,etc. Again followed by a layer of mozzarella, sliced olives and Basil fresh or dry. Bake as given in the recipe! Tip...use Maggi Sweet and sour sauce, in lieu of the tomato sauce for a short cut!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 12:13:39 +0000

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