Homemade dog food Dry Dog Food Recipe 3 cups flour 3 cups oats - TopicsExpress


Homemade dog food Dry Dog Food Recipe 3 cups flour 3 cups oats or cooked rice 1 cup powdered milk 8 TBL powdered eggs ¼ cup olive oil 2-2 1/2 cups water Combine dry ingredients. Combine wet ingredients. Mix wet into dry. Dough should be moist and spreadable. Spread onto greased 9X13 baking sheet with edge. Cook at 200F for 1 hour or 350F for 40 minutes. Let cool. 2810kcal: 90 g fat, 102 g protein, 396 g carbohydrates (ratio: 15:17:67) For optimal nutrition with homemade food, feed 2 lb food per day per 100lb dog weight. If dog weighs 25lb, feed 8-12 ounces. If dog weighs 10 lb, feed 5-7 ounces. Just like humans, eating this kind of pantry staple diet for long term will result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Consider adding these ingredients: Calcium- 1000mg per 1lb of dog food- can supply as animal bones, ground eggshell (1/2 tsp), or tablets (NO Vitamin D) (crushed) Brewer’s yeast: 1-2 TBL per 1lb of dog food- supplies B vitamins and as a powder stores well. Vitamin E: 200IU of E per week (store as capsules-squeeze contents onto food) Vitamin C: 500mg tab daily (crushed) Vegetables and fruits: from stores can add any of these to doggie’s bowl: Sweet potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, green beans, peas, apples. These add minimal calories but great flavor and vitamins. Meat: Dogs can actually live on protein and fat- the carbohydrates serve to give the dog a sense of fullness. Meat is protein and fat. 4-8 ounces per day added to diet will be greatly appreciated by doggie if he needs to perform a duty for you. Consider peanut butter or cheese (store bought or dehydrated for long term) as an economical alternative. When converting doggie over from existing diet, swap out ½ the days diet with the homemade food. Do this for several days, until doggie’s intestines settle back down. If he has too much diarrhea, back off and switch back to old diet, then take another run at it with ¼ days diet. Sudden changes in diet are taxing on the intestines. This is also true for humans (take note! Eat what you store: store what you eat!!) Gradually convert over to all homemade food. Remember variety is really important for your dog’s nutrition- and for you!!! These are foods doggie should never eat: Onions, garlic (1 small clove is OK- some people use it for flea/tick repellant), raisins, grapes, chocolate, and xylitol (sugar free gum/mints/children’s vitamins). As a pharmacist, doing the nutritional research for a balanced canine diet was really challenging. Scott had a client tell him all about her homemade dog food when he had commented what healthy animals she had. We were intrigued, but it wasn’t until we were in Gainesville, Georgia at a conference , when Scott had mentioned said client while teaching on water storage, that we were inundated with requests for the recipe. We both knew we had to not only experiment on Baxter, the wonder dog, but had to conform reasonably with published data and standards on dog nutrition. We also wanted everything to come from food storage. Alas, you cannot make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, and I feel after doing this that some folks who have their year’s supply of food in Mormon Cannery staples may realize just how limited a diet they will have if that is all they have to eat. While the dry food recipe supplies ample fat, protein, and carbohydrates to keep a dog alive, it is woefully inadequate in vitamins and minerals. A dog on just those few ingredients in the recipe will quickly develop a vitamin deficiency. And, by the way, if you just add some sugar to it, humans can eat the recipe and it will provide all the calories needed to stay alive. And same human will have vitamin and mineral deficiencies within two weeks. I say all that to say those extra ingredients will add health and nutrition to either human or dog diet. When I consult on food storage with our clients, vitamin and mineral supplementation is always on my discussion list. I hope this dog food recipe and blog show you that an adequate calorie count and an adequate nutritional diet can be miles apart, and that preparation now can be made to give your stores variety. Those easy additions after the recipe change doggie’s diet into a healthful lifestyle. Baxter really enjoys his new kibbles (they taste pretty good to me too!) and it is satisfying to make him a meal he likes. For those of you who love your pets I hope this empowers you to have a back-up recipe and vitamins in your food storage that includes your best friend! And his dog!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 21:33:24 +0000

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