Hopefully this will be my last comment to a friends post that I - TopicsExpress


Hopefully this will be my last comment to a friends post that I found totally insulting The post was a quote from a guy named John Green saying He likes to pay taxes for schools because he doesnt want to live in a country with a bunch of stupid people. The quote and support of it, sickened me. John Greens quote above says he is in favour of public education because he doesnt want stupid people, and I say that the public education system is in place to make people stupid, and to stop them from thinking for themselves. George Carlin said that the owners of America dont want an educated public because that doesnt serve them, and I agree. The fact David that you(and many people) have gone along with the official 9/11 conspiracy theory supports my position very well I think. Rather than having your own thoughts on the matter, You (and many other publicly educated people) have allowed the criminals to tell you what to think, no matter how ludicrous their story is. Then when I point out how ludicrous their version is, You say, Oh well, they are probably long gone. Where do You think they have gone? Mars? Since when in police work as you suggest do police assume the criminals are long gone, and give up? This is not a personal attack on You, but I find your reasoning worse than any you criticized John Gatto for. The Criminals that orchestrated 9/11 are from the same group of people that have created the public education system, a system which in MY experience did not encourage me to question authority or what I was being taught, but rather to just learn what they wanted me to learn so that I could pas the tests and graduate. Can You tell me that in schools they teach alternative versions to the official 9/11 story? I bet not. In politics, people have been ridiculed for questioning the official story, and I bet it would be the same in school. I bet if a teacher were to teach the Architects and Engineers for 9/11 truth version that they would be fired. You say we dont know who is responsible for 9/11? Who do you think could fly a plane near the pentagon, fire a cruise missile at it, and fly away? There is only one choice. This is not complicated, but for a public that has been taught not to think, but to memorize what they are told, it is no surprise most people have memorized the facts of 9/11 with no questioning of the obvious. Do you know that a 3rd building fell that day. Many people do not, and why is that? Because they were not taught that. Why were they not taught that? Because there is no reasonable rational explanation for it, other than it was brought down by demolitions. I told a guy that someone I knew actually believed that WTC building #7 collapsed due to fire , and he said he found that Very hard to believe. You will never guess why. He said he(unlike You) had watched a LOT of footage about 9/11 and he had Never heard of a 3rd building collapsing that day. I said to him, Thats because they dont want you to know about it, because there is no rational explanation for it other than explosives. Once again, Most of the Publicly educated masses that John Green thinks are so intelligent and beneficial to society, are actually not well informed, and unable to think for themselves, and are a detriment to a healthy society. They are however very useful to the Criminal minds that own the land, resources, and money printing machines. Rather than see the leaders are the reason our countries are in debt, since I was 20 I have seen the publicly educated masses blame people on welfare and unemployment insurance for our financial woes, just as they have been taught to. A very well educated sick society. Well, I guess my work is done, and will no doubt fall on deaf ears that can only follow what they have been taught, and why is that? Well, lets hear form some professional psychologists, and see if You can tear them up as you have with John youtube/watch?v=MxiQmtVGgcQ 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Psychologists Speak Out I dont need to look at the evidence. I wouldnt believe it... YOUTUBE.COM
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 17:40:36 +0000

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