Horoscopes By Jonathan Cainer Horoscopes Thought for the day 11 - TopicsExpress


Horoscopes By Jonathan Cainer Horoscopes Thought for the day 11 August 2014 The weekends Full Moon was much more of a Super Moon than a good, old-fashioned, ordinary one. Not that there is ever anything ordinary about a Full Moon. These powerful events often awaken deep emotions and trigger unexpected reactions. Im still working through the letters that so many readers generously sent me, after I last asked for feedback on this topic. I still feel there is more to be learned. Meanwhile, drawing on what I already know, I can promise that this week, we will all digest and eventually profit from what this most recent lunation has taught us. Aquarius Jan 21 - Feb 19 aquarius It often seems as if the world is full of experts. There they all are, with their stalls set out, offering advice on any subject under the sun. Can they all be worth consulting? Might some of them be capable of misleading some of us? Thats not an easy question to answer. Perhaps we should consult an expert! Or perhaps, this week, there simply is nobody who you can turn to in the realistic expectation of getting useful advice. There are matters of perspective and priority, insight and detail that only you understand. Pisces Feb 20 - Mar 20 pisces IQ tests! What do they really tell us? We could reasonably argue that the people who came up with the current ways we use to measure intelligence, were not really very intelligent! After all, you can sort all the shapes you like, process all the number sequences you care to and be the worlds smartest puzzle-solver but if your heart isnt in the right place, or you lack empathy and compassion, what good will this do you? This week, you need to be clever in the way that you assess a delicate, sensitive situation. Aries Mar 21 - Apr 20 aries We have to be very careful about telling people what we really think. Candour may be cathartic but it is also controversial. Folk have a habit of reacting badly to the truth and, worse still, when they hear it, they feel somehow entitled to reveal their own deepest, most secret fears, feelings and opinions. That can all give rise to a spiral of stress. Genies, once let out of bottles, rarely quietly agree to go back in again. Dont be downright untruthful this week, but at least consider the possibility of being delicately diplomatic. Taurus Apr 21 - May 21 taurus Please Miss, says little Johnny to the teacher, I was only running in the corridor because I was following my playmates. Aha, replies the teacher sternly in the time-honoured fashion, and if they were all jumping into oblivion from the top of a cliff, would you copy them then, too? But peer pressure is powerful and it does not just affect youngsters. In your world now, there is a need to look at something that many people around you seem to be fine with, and to ask yourself, Am I fine with that too? Gemini May 22 - June 22 gemini If you think positive thoughts, you will get positive results. Wont you? What if you think positive thoughts about negative things? What if you persuade yourself that something is perfectly right, when actually, it is wrong? You may feel fine about it and, for a while, there may be no problem. But wont there come a point where you realise that you have backed yourself into a corner through your refusal to recognise a vital distinction? Be optimistic today, by all means. But before summoning your faith, employ a little discrimination. Cancer Jun 23 - Jul 23 cancer Every so often, we all rearrange our furniture. We may repaint the walls too, and move various pictures. When we have finished we say Ah, thats better. Why did I ever let myself live with the old, unsatisfactory arrangement? Then, for a while, we are happy. Till eventually we say, It is time to alter everything once more. As you now attempt to bring change to a sensitive area of your life, you may worry that it will be only a matter of time before you need to change what you have changed. Even so, it is the right answer for now. Leo Jul 24 - Aug 23 leo The worlds most interesting people are often, also, the most difficult to be with. Great creative personalities frequently have poor social skills. Brilliant, rational thinkers can be subject to fluctuating moods and emotions. One way or another, we have to learn to love the things about each other that drive us to distraction - if only for the sake of the other things about them that inspire applause and admiration. A conscious compromise of this nature is now being called for in some area of your life this week. Virgo Aug 24 - Sep 23 virgo When we tell our troubles to someone, we often feel better. They dont even need to provide anything more than a listening ear. In enabling us to get something off our chest, they have been helpful. They may, indeed, be less helpful if they later reiterate some of the things we have said. We dont want them to pass on our secrets - or even to remind us that you said you were never going to put up with something like this again, yet arent you doing the same thing now? Be careful with whom you share your heart with this week. Libra Sep 24 - Oct 23 libra Get into the groove... So goes the old Madonna song. Far be it for me to question the wisdom of her advice. It feels good to be in a groove. We know where we are, and where we are going. We can take comfort in the rhythm and the routine. But if we stay with that pattern for too long, the groove deepens to become more of a rut, from which it is hard to escape. Soon after, if we arent careful, our footsteps wear the rut down even further, until it becomes a trench. For you, this week, it may be time to get out of a groove. Scorpio Oct 24 - Nov 22 scorpio Smile and the world smiles with you; cry and you cry alone. Thats what they say. But then, they also say, misery loves company. They ought to make their mind up. Both statements cant be true, can they? Even if they can, there is surely no wisdom or merit in accepting the implied advice of that second maxim. Misery may well love company but thats no reason to go and give it any. And, in any event, company doesnt necessarily love misery! A friendship can now bring you much joy. Dont let it bring you anything else! Sagittarius Nov 23 - Dec 21 sagittarius How can you tell whether an idea is a good idea? It isnt always wise to run it past someone else in order to seek their opinion. What if they have woken up in a bad mood - or are secretly mad at you for something - or just want to prove how clever they are at finding faults and seeing drawbacks. They might leave you feeling that your good idea is a bad idea - in which case, it is a bad idea to tell them your good idea! It may be too early this week to start running with an idea but you can at least take it out for a walk. Capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 20 capricorn We dont see ourselves as others see us. And the same, it seems, applies to the way we hear ourselves. We may, for example, imagine that we have made a point most clearly and forcefully. How could anyone else ever make a claim to the contrary? Yet what if words that sounded to us like emphatic blasts of thunder, arise in someone elses ears like whispers on the wind? Sometimes, the reverse happens. We imagine we are being subtle. Others find us deafening. You may need to monitor your feedback this week.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 19:59:48 +0000

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