House Speaker John Boehner and his fellow Republicans find - TopicsExpress


House Speaker John Boehner and his fellow Republicans find themselves in an odd position, even for them: Democrats are taking them seriously. And the result, according to always funny NYT columnist Gail Collins, is laughable. But one commenter to the Collins piece writes Democrats may have stumbled upon something important. If they take every hare brained thing Republicans say seriously, Republicans end up having to defend the hare brained ideas. And the public quickly realizes the Republicans are not serious people; certainly not anyone a rational voter would support. The current problem is over all the Republican calls for impeaching the President, an idea that is always wildly unpopular with voters. Boehner has tried to quell that hare brained idea by offering one only slightly less so; lets sue the President regarding his administrative order temporarily suspending an Obamacare regulation that imposed fines on small businesses that did not participate. Recall that these fines were something Republicans opposed and wanted suspended. Recall that Republicans voted more than 50 times - spending $71 million along the way - to defund Obamacare. Boehners suit is aimed at making everyone forget that members of his party want to impeach the President. He even accused Democrats of coming up with the impeachment idea themselves. Republicans, Boehner complained to the press, have no plans to impeach the President. Heres the NYT comment. SDW Cleveland 7 hours ago Gail Collins has written a funny, seemingly innocuous column, but she is actually very subversive. She has recognized that the usually ineffective Democrats have stumbled upon a powerful strategy to foil the obstructionist Republicans in Congress. Ms. Collins has given the Democrats a roadmap for success. The new strategy – perhaps it should be called the Collins Maneuver for its potential to remove blockage – is simple, but impossible to defeat. From now on, instead of accusing Republicans of being disingenuous and hypocritical, Democrats will speak and act as though the Republicans fully intend to carry out their threats against the President. Republicans on Capitol Hill and around the country will be busy denying they ever meant to implement the various hare-brained ideas previously advanced. Leaders of the G.O.P. will be forced to use the diversionary tactic of trying to solve some of the nation’s urgent problems. No longer may they devote all of their time to trying to thwart President Obama at every turn. nytimes/2014/07/31/opinion/gail-collins-none-dare-call-it-impeachment.html?ref=todayspaper&_r=0
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 12:53:40 +0000

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