How Bethel Village Lessons Continue on Social Media Some people - TopicsExpress


How Bethel Village Lessons Continue on Social Media Some people are dismissive of social media, but it can be a medium for learning and growing, too! See this exchange that happened. Former Student Post: So... we died to our flesh and chose to become bondservants to Christ. Most of the time when i think of dying to the flesh, like choosing to only listen to Christian music or limiting my social media, subconsciously i feel like I’m somewhat deprived. God brought this to my attention today and reminded me that I’m free from the slavery of sin and insatiable desire for more... leading to destruction. The discipline of living a life obedient to God is the ultimate freedom. Romans 6 Staff Member Post: Balance here........true freedom is not the freedom to do whatever one wants, it is the freedom from the power of ones own will to take one beyond those things that Christ has called us to do and be in his will.....including guarding our hearts from influences that take us into the worlds values and practices. Pastor’s Post: A pianist is only free to make good music AFTER she has mastered the disciplines of learning the rules of reading and playing music. Gods laws are there to increase our freedom, not hinder it. Staff Member Post: Freedom to BE obedient, not freedom from any requirement to be obedient. Former Student Post: Absolutely. God’s grace is not a license. Former Student Post: I love that analogy of the pianist. God is illuminating His word to me right now in a way that makes the part about learning the disciplines very personal to me. Staff Member Post: As a musician, this is an analogy that resonates with you, as it does with me, as well. Without practice, discipline, following the arrangements, playing within the key it is written in, etc, there is not harmony and we miss what was intended by the Composer. Former Student Post: Very beautiful! An example I remember very clearly when I was 8 and first learning finger positioning...I practiced all week but the wrong way. As I went into my lesson confident to show my hard work, I was very disappointed to hear him say I was wrong. It took about a month of practice and discipline to correct a week’s mistake, but it was necessary to learn the correct way if I desired to learn more. Another Staff Members Post: You got it!
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 04:58:53 +0000

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