How Diet & Exercise Work Together While preparing mine & Marks - TopicsExpress


How Diet & Exercise Work Together While preparing mine & Marks daily meals I snapped the below photo to show you we strive to be an example and to practice what we preach if you will. You can see a colorful display of organic yams, broccoli, grilled chicken, turkey, lean beef, brown rice & pasta, kale salad, etc. There are plenty of people who think they can eat what they want & exercise away the extra calories. Even more think all they need to do to shed excess weight is cut back on calories. While youre likely to experience success with either strategy, the advantages of combining a clean diet with exercise are hard to beat. Here’s a buzzword for you; CLEAN EATING. The phrase “clean eating” is being used just about everywhere these days. The concept of eating clean isn’t supposed to stress you out, cause panic attacks, or make you think too hard. It’s a very easy lifestyle to adopt. Clean eating is about eating foods in their most natural state. This means avoiding processed foods, foods with loads of preservatives, foods with lots of added sugar, and foods with high levels of bad fats (some saturated fats/all trans fats). Alternatively, you want to avoid foods that have been stripped of their nutritional value and/or have been injected with a heaping dose of six-syllable chemicals. These are some of the basic guidelines that I associate with clean eating: •Unrefined, whole-grains. •A diet with an abundance of fresh, local, organic fruits & vegetables. •Lean free-range & grass-fed meats and dairy; salmon & tilapia. •More vegetable-centered meals than meat-centered each week. •Plenty of water or other no-calorie drinks (NOT diet soda) •Making healthy cooking choices, such as grilling, baking, steaming, and light sautéing whenever possible. •Consume healthy fats from natural sources such as nuts, avocados, organic coconut oil, etc. It’s great if you’re eating broccoli, but if it’s covered in cheese, butter, breadcrumbs, casserole style, then baked for 45 minutes, it’s losing a ton of its nutritional value. A better option would be to lightly steam your broccoli, toss with a little olive oil, lemon juice, and fresh Parmesan. Learning to cook (and eat) cleanly is all about learning to simplify things and not overdoing it with your meal prep. When you keep things simple, meals normally turn out to be more healthy. optimumnutrition/news.php?article=1106 blog.shareitfitness/2013/what-is-clean-eating/ In essence, Its difficult to out train a bad diet. Feel free to contact us should you have any questions and/or concerns. We would be happy to assist you to a Healthier YOU!
Posted on: Tue, 20 May 2014 19:37:39 +0000

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