How I Met Your Mother will unfortunately be coming to an end this - TopicsExpress


How I Met Your Mother will unfortunately be coming to an end this mournful monday. And to commemorate that, I would like to take the time, to really appreciate and enjoy these last couple of days, before the inevitable end; and say a few last words. This show has been with me for the better part of 4 years now. I started watching a cold winter morning in january of 2010; it was one of those classy stay-inside-and-get-fat kind of days. Also I was going through a break-up, so I didnt really feel like going out, let alone be with someone. I was shifting through the usual crap on various *ahem* PIRATE *ahem* websites, looking for something I could really sink my teeth in, and get addicted to in that old-fashioned way. I had at the time recently finished watching Scrubs; literally still wiping off air-dried tears, mumbling the lyrics to The Book of Love (i.e the song played, during the ending of Scrubs.). I came across a fair number of sitcoms I had yet to see, but none of them really stuck to me. There was however one. A familiar one. That name. I suddenly remembered I had seen a few episodes of it when it aired on the telly, but for some reason; never thought much of it. I downloaded the first season, not really knowing what to expect. Could it fill the bottomless void, of my tv-addiction? Probably not... Boy, was I wrong. What followed next, was weeks of absolute ecstasy. Never before had I been this addicted to a tv-show, than I was with How I Met Your Mother. The story telling was ingenius, the characters were perfect, the dialogue and jokes were spot-on; simply the best. This was a true masterpiece. I had found it. I had found my favorite tv-show! I stuck with it for the next four years, literally glued to the screen every time it was on. And though the breaks between may and september seemed long, I never; not even one single monday, missed an episode. It was always one of the highlights of my week, and now its over; as of this forthcoming monday. On monday the 31st of march 2014, we will be saying goodbye to one of the best tv-shows in history. No more legendary sayings, no more Slapsgiving, no more blue french horns, no more MacLarens, no more Bro Codes and Playbooks, no more Ted, Marshall, Robin, Lily and Barney, no more waiting for the next episode or season to come around. Its officially over in a matter of hours. This joyride has made me cry and laugh so much, that its embarassing to talk about. And even though Ill be looking back at the show for years to come, itll never be the same as it was before. A story comes to an end, and to say it in the words of Marshall: So, thats it, the end of an era, just like that?. Im afraid so. Itll seriously surprise me if I dont let out a tear or two (or a thousand) while watching these last two episodes, if not because of Robin and Barneys wedding ceremony, then of the thought that the show has ended when the last minute runs out. Seeing Ted finally meeting the famous mother, is gonna go down in history; resting proudly among the other memorable moments the show has produced over the course of these nine wonderful years. Thanks guys. Thank you for everything. I will never forget you, and the memories we now have together. I will raise a glass of expensive champagne in honor of you, as the last episode airs on my screen, and proudly hum along to your theme song, so loud that my neighbors will hear me. Just one last time. I will always remember your story of love, family and friendship. I will always love you, and keep you in a special place in my heart forever. I love you Ted. I love you Marshall. I love you Robin. I love you Barney. I love you Lily. Goodbye.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 01:18:43 +0000

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