How Recovery prepared me for my University Education By Fredrick - TopicsExpress


How Recovery prepared me for my University Education By Fredrick Blanken (ShadowPanther) written on June 1, 2013 This is a response to Kurts Blog from today. When I read this Blog, I immediately matched many of the ideas that Kurt mentions to things that are being covered in my College Success Course at present. Admittedly, I was somewhat trepidatious returning to College at 43 years of age, but as my Academic Adviser stated to me when I shared a part of my story with him, and my reasons for wanting to return to School after almost 25 years for a Bachelors in Psychology of all things he was quite taken aback to hear what Ive been through to get where I am. At first when I started this Class almost 4 weeks ago, I wasnt sure if my Professor or fellow classmates would understand me as I can be rather unconventional. However, the Fellowships that Ive been in over the last 23 years have taught me to be honest, open-minded, willing, and to remain teachable. I have also been promised that NO MATTER HOW FAR down the scale Ive gone, I WILL see how my experience CAN benefit others. Also, in an interesting way, because of my understanding of the Steps, Traditions, and Principles of 12 Step Recovery when faced with what other see as Problems I see solutions that havent manifested yet. I also know that I DONT KNOW! is not a statement of Powerlessness, but a TRUE TESTAMENT of STRENGTH. Finally, in the various Fellowships we have the Slogans, and Acronyms that we use on a daily basis, as well as, Speakers Meetings, Discussion Meetings, Book Study Meetings, Step Meetings, and One on One Meetings with our Sponsors. Here on the One Health Site we have Expert Webinars, which for an Online Virtual Student such as myself has enhanced my abilities exponentially in the following ways. Because of the above mentioned things, I have learned the following skills for School. 1) mnemonic devices and acronyms as learning styles. 2)Critical Thinking and Listening Skills from the Meetings and Book Study meetings. 3)Note Taking from the Expert Webinars 4)Group Dynamics from the Chat Room and Face to Face interaction at Meetings. So, as Kurt so aptly put it. Recovery is a place where Life Skill are abundant IF you are willing to open yourself to them. Where Else can you go to get this much training for $1.00 a week, or free (on the OH Site) and learn how to grow up again; perhaps for the first time? Dont know if anyone else will agree with me, but I thought that it may help to share this in case someone else was like me, and wasnt sure they could handle College. If I can do it as a Homeless, disabled, 43 year old living in a Hotel that has 3 active Drug Dealers, maintain a 4.0 GPA AND stay Sober, perhaps you can try to take a class. Thats my experience, but your milage may vary. You dont know till you try. One final word. If you lack the faith to do so, borrow mine, because I have plenty. Thanks for letting me share.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Feb 2014 08:58:14 +0000

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