How Zionist Hollywood Brainwashes You To Hate Arabs [Reel Bad - TopicsExpress


How Zionist Hollywood Brainwashes You To Hate Arabs [Reel Bad Arabs - FULL DOCUMENTARY] Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People (ISBN 1-56656-388-7, Olive Branch Press) is a 2001 book by Jack Shaheen where he surveyed more than 900 film appearances of Arab characters. Of those, only a dozen were positive and 50 were balanced. Shaheen writes Seen through Hollywoods distorted lenses, Arabs look different and threatening.. He contends that the movies with the most anti-Arab content are: Rules of Engagement (2000), The Delta Force (1986) Death Before Dishonor (1987) and True Lies (1994). Included on the worst list are: The Dictator Official Trailer Sacha Baron Cohen The Black Stallion (1979) The Black Stallion Returns (1984) Protocol (1984) Back to the Future (1985) The Delta Force (1986) Iron Eagle (1986) Ishtar (1987) The Taking of Flight 847 (1988) Terror in Beverly Hills (1988) The Bonfire of the Vanities (1990) Navy SEALs (1990) Killing Streets (1991) Chain of Command (1993) Bloodfist VI: Ground Zero (1994) True Lies (1994) Operation Condor (1997) Freedom Strike (1998) Rules of Engagement (2000) Inspired by the worst list, a 9-minute-long trailer called Planet of the Arabs was assembled. This short was an Official Selection at the 2005 Sundance Film Festival. Sut Jhally directed a 2006 video called Reel Bad Arabs about Jack Shaheens thesis. The much smaller Best list includes Hollywood films that give a balanced heroic portrayal of Arab characters. Included on this list were: The 13th Warrior Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves Three Kings Kingdom of Heaven === keywords: Robert Spencer Pamela Geller Baron Bodissey Gates of Vienna Pat Condell thunderf00t Walid Shoebat Pat Robertson John Haguee Allen West Herman Cain Charles E. Schumer Newt Gingrich Dutch Geert Wilders Anders Behring Breivik manifesto David Horowitz Freedom Center Wafa Sultan Ann Coulter Sean Hannity Bill OReilly Michael Savage Rush Limbaugh Bill Maher Peter King Fox News Megyn Kelly Benjamin Netanyahu Ayaan Hirsi Ali Debbie Schlussel Fjordman Anjem Choudary Sharia Law Islam4UK BNP British National Party EDL English Defense League AIPAC ADL Knights Templar GoV Fitna Christian Action Network Islam Rising Israel Zionism Jihad Watch Propaganda Islamophobia Islam Muslim Arab Arabs Hollywood Frank Gaffney Fred Phelps Daniel Pipes Joe Lieberman Michael Chertoff Lewis Libby Doug Feith Richard Perle Dov Zakheim John Joseph Jay Terry Jones David Yerushalmi P. David Gaubatz Brigitte Gabriel Bill French Palestinians SIOA Ku Klux Klan and neo-Nazis Hitler Youth Hamas Israel Matzav Andrew Bostom Bat Yeor Yeor Pure Norwegians Mark Steyn GOP Ibn Warraq Serge TrifkovicAubrey Chernick Aubrey Chernick SIOE BPE JDL Jewish Zionists Gary Miller Littman Hans Rustad pro-Israel Neocons John Bolton White Nationalist Mossad
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 18:30:14 +0000

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