How awesome is Eucalyptus? It opens breathing, dispels - TopicsExpress


How awesome is Eucalyptus? It opens breathing, dispels melancholy, revives the spirit, and enhances a positive outlook! EUCALYPTUS Eucalyptus Radiata Eucalyptus is an evergreen tree that grows to a height of 100 meters (328 feet), making it one of the world’s tallest trees. It has leathery lancelet leaves of a pale blue-green color, and small white flowers, which, in bud, are covered by a cap-like membrane. It is the presence of this “lid” which has led to the tree’s common name, derived from the Greek eucalyptos, meaning “well-covered”. (There are over 700 varieties of eucalyptus.) Radiata is narrow-leaved Eucalyptus that is very effective for viral infections; a close relative of Melaleuca family (Myrtaceae) with many of the same actions and benefits. Its pungent and camphoraceous aroma can be seen at work through its unparalleled ability to clear lung-phlegm. Its antibacterial, antiviral action makes it useful, in addition, for the common cold, sinusitis, laryngitis, and chronic bronchitis. Diffused, it is a wonderful lung tonic that enhances breathing function, promoting the uptake of oxygen by the red blood cells. Eucalyptus Radiata: Analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-catarrhal, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, antiviral, decongestant and expectorant. Great for acne recovery, endometriosis, flu, hay fever, sinusitis and vaginitis; can prevent asthma attacks and stimulates the regeneration of lung tissue. The germicidal action of Eucalyptus Oil extends to the genitor-urinary system, where it is indicated for cystitis and leucorrhoea. Its value in such conditions is enhanced by its ability to clear the dampness or congestive terrain where unfriendly microbes (bacterial and viral) love to multiply and grow unhealthy conditions. Eucalyptus clears out sticky areas so that regular oxygenation can go on and healthy cell reproduction is enhanced. Boosts the immune system by providing ongoing clearing of many bacteria that cause compromise. Psychologically, Eucalyptus Oil is suited to people who feel emotionally “hemmed-in” or constricted by their surroundings - whether at home, at work, or in society. They sense the possibility of achieving the greater freedom and a wider life experience, but dare not seek to create this due to excessive caution, habit, fear or responsibility. Eucalyptus can support transformation from a sense of suffocation into one of expansive renewal. A Steam Inhalation with Eucalyptus Radiata is an effective natural treatment for colds, because it not only eases nasal congestion, but also inhibits proliferation of the cold virus. Diffusing often during flu season or other epidemic like diseases will give a good measure of protection from “flu and the infectious illnesses of childhood”. Jean Valnet gave precise data on the bactericidal properties of Eucalyptus: “a spray containing 2% essential oil of Eucalyptus will kill 70% of staphylococci in the air. It is effective in killing germs so that medical personal can come into contact with illnesses and avoid hosting the same illness. Valnet suggests its use in feverish conditions to lower the temperature and as a measure to prevent the spread of infection in cholera, measles, malaria, chickenpox, scarlet fever and typhoid. Veterinarians have administered Eucalyptus oil to horses with influenza, dogs with distemper, and a variety of animals with parasitic skin afflictions. Koala bears thrive off the Eucalyptus Tree. Malaria: Eucalyptus Radiata is excellent insect repellent and helps with repair of virus once it is contracted. Cool Compresses of Eucalyptus, Bergamot, and Lavender on head and body of person with Malaria provides relief from high fever and hastens return of good health Herpes Simplex: Eucalyptus Radiata 4 drops, Bergamot 3 drops. apply to areas of outbreak often to heal surface and kill virus. Flu and Bronchitis - Dr. Valnet Suggests: Eucalyptus 4 drops, Thyme 2 drops, White Fir 2 drops, and Lavender 1 drop--combine and then pour onto wick of inhaler and use over and over. Chickenpox: Eucalyptus 4 drops, Roman Chamomile 3 drops and Lavender 3 drops, soothing bath --combine oils and 1/2 cup of Epsom salts to warm bath and let soak for 10-15 minutes. Spritz- put oils into spritzer bottle and add 15 drops of Fractionated Coconut oil and then spritz on Chickenpox or Shingles and relieve itching and pain. Will reduce fever and itching and while wearing the blend others will avoid coming down with it. Cold Sores & Genital Herpes: Eucalyptus and Bergamot 1:1 applied to sites 3-4 times a day - kills virus and relieves pain and speeds recovery of skin. Shingles: Eucalyptus 5 drops, Bergamot 5 drops - spritz all areas repeatedly - for very sensitive skin add 4 drops of coconut oil and do not rub in --just spritz and let air -- keep applying 4-5 times a day even after the blisters disappear - the pain often persists for many weeks, or even months, after the blisters have disappeared -can combine Eucalyptus and Bergamot with doTERRA’s Hand and Body Lotion and apply that way after skin surface heals and then the tenderness will recede. Tar: If you get tar on your clothes or skin from a polluted beach, Eucalyptus oil is effective and harmless way of removing it. Insect Repellent: Eucalyptus 4 drops, Bergamot 4 drops, Fractionated Coconut oil 4 drops create blend and spritz your clothes before going on a hike or out at sunset and mosquitoes will land elsewhere.--other insects do not like Eucalyptus... Sunburn Soothing Bath: Eucalyptus 2 drops, Lavender 6 drops, Roman Chamomile 3 drops, Peppermint 1 drop - blend into 1/2 Epsom Salts - add to warm bath and soak without rubbing for 10 minutes -- can use as room temp moist compress also. Sore Throat Massage Oil: Eucalyptus 4 drops, Lavender 4 drops, Geranium 6 drops, Thyme 2 drops, 2 ounces of Coconut oil; gently blend together and apply to sore throat in an upward motion. Sinus Inhalant: Eucalyptus 5 drops, Oregano 2 drops, Wild Orange 3 drops, Clove Bud 2 drops; gently blend and pour onto wick of inhaler and use several times a day to keep sinuses clear and open. Sciatica Soak: 1/2 to 1 cup of Epsom Salts, Eucalyptus 2 drops, Marjoram 3 drops, Thyme 2 drops; gently blend oils into Epsom salts and pour into warm bath tub and soak back for 20 minutes and gently rub dry when finished. Daytime Muscle Ache Oil: 2 ounces of Coconut Oil, Eucalyptus 8 drops, Rosemary 7 drops, Cypress 7 drops, Peppermint 4 drops, Thyme 4 drops; gently blend oils into coconut oil and apply to sore muscles every 1/2 to 1 hour all day long. Insect Repellent and Bite Oil: 2 ounces of Coconut Oil, Eucalyptus 3 drops, Wild Orange 2 drops, Patchouli 2 drops, Vetiver 2 drops, White Fir 2 drops; gently blend oils into coconut oil and apply to bite site for rapid healing and can apply to skin before going outdoors to avoid bites. Concentration Bath Blend: Eucalyptus 2 drops, Basil 2 drops, Roman Chamomile 2 drops, Peppermint 1 drop...add oils to 1/2 cup of Epsom Salts and soak for 15-20 min. Cold and Flu Chest Rub: 2 ounces Fractionated Coconut oil, Eucalyptus 4 drops, Frankincense 3 drops, Ginger 1 drop, Oregano 1 drop, Thyme 1 drop; gently blend and rub in upward motion from stomach up sternum and up from the waist under the arms on the intercostals - provides amazing relaxation and relief from aches... Athlete’s Foot Relief Oil: 2 ounces coconut oil, Eucalyptus 5 drops, Roman Chamomile 3 drops, Myrrh 3 drops, Melaleuca 4 drops.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 00:00:00 +0000

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