How can it be that any American would justify Killer Cops OR any - TopicsExpress


How can it be that any American would justify Killer Cops OR any Cop who would enforce UNCONSTITUTIONAL Municipal, County, State or Federal laws and statutes in DIRECT VIOLATION of their Oath? I have been reading posts that state that THE COPS should be able to ORDER us Americans around whenever they want to, for any reason the Cops want to and that we should and must comply and submit to them in total obedience, whether the Cops are obeying our Constitutional laws ON THEM or NOT! What the hell is the matter with you people who support Cops who ORDER innocent Americans around and then beat the living sh*t out of them and/or kill them, because the American doesnt kowtow to their COMMANDS? How did AMERICANS who are the rulers and higher powers ORDAINED by God at the miracle of Yorktown, where He delivered the SWORD of our Governments General Cornwallis into our farmer, rabble and peasant American Militia hands, EVER BECOME such spineless cowards and sheeple? Why are we allowing our Cops to violate our Constitutional laws on them, and continue to let them Just do their jobs enforcing Municipal, County, State and Federal Color of Law that is UTTERLY REPUGNANT to OUR Constitutional laws upon THEM? Any American who supports the CONSTITUTIONAL CONTEMPT being perpetrated by Cops every single day upon our fellow Americans in the enforcement of laws that are DIRECT violations of our Constitution, ARE ENEMIES of The Constitution. All of these CRIMES against Our Constitutional laws are a HEINOUS dishonor of their OWN OATH to SUPPORT, DEFEND and ENFORCE our laws upon our elected Republican and Democrat USURPERS and DESPOTS! Cops NEED to choose which side they are ON ! ! ! The side of The Constitution and The People or on the side of our elected Republican and Democrat USURPERS and DESPOTS in our Municipal, County, State and Federal Governments. These elected CRIMINALS of Constitutional CONTEMPT behave as if we have a representative Democracy when that form of Government was made absolutely ILLEGAL under Article IV Section 4 of The Constitution which guarantees to each one of our home Countries, which form a more perfect Union of fifty free, independent and sovereign States, a REPUBLICAN form of Government which means that the Federal Government is limited to eighteen powers and spending privileges as enumerated in The Constitution. State and Federal Constitutions also limits what laws our Municipal, County, State and Federal elected public servants can impose on Americans. Cops, who swear an OATH to uphold our Constitutional laws upon our elected public servants need to know and comprehend these matters so that they can honor their Oath and enforce OUR Constitutional laws upon whom they are written. - Capt. Karl
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 15:14:31 +0000

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