How can we Impeach Obama? Let us count the ways (h/t for list - - TopicsExpress


How can we Impeach Obama? Let us count the ways (h/t for list - John (magnum) on Disqus: The Corruption and Lies of KING Obama VA intentional deaths of veteran Negotiating with terrorists Fast & Furious SEAL Team 6 Obamacare would save the average family $2500 per year Forcing businesses to violate their religious beliefs Violating the rights and sanctity of our Churches Obamacare web site-cronyism NSA acting as Obama Gestapo 17 Trillion in debt Lies about Benghazi Voter fraud Intentionally trying to hurt Americans during the sequester Intentionally trying to hurt Americans during government shutdown Blocking veterans from seeing their own memorials Allowing illegals on mall during government shutdown Shutting down ‘The Peoples House’ tours We can keep our insurance if we like it We can keep our doctors if we like them Military not getting their votes counted Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood with arms and money DOJ spying on the free press Not securing our borders Spying on Americans on American soil with drones SOLYNDRA Picking winners and losers IRS targeting conservatives IRS targeting the Tea Party Millions losing health care coverage Increasing welfare rolls Increasing disability rolls Countless partying Countless exorbitant vacations Releasing illegal’s from prison Unconstitutional recess appointment NO budget for 5 years Clapper lying to congress Holder lying to congress Failing to prosecute the New Black Panther Reading our e-mail War on women Promoting race war War between makers and takers A123 Systems Cash for clunkers Obama phones
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 13:05:48 +0000

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