How do we get the activity of God’s Spirit to rise mightily in - TopicsExpress


How do we get the activity of God’s Spirit to rise mightily in us? Paul spoke of “fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit” (2 Cor. 13:14; Phil. 2:2). When we fellowship with God’s Spirit, the Christian life becomes easier for us. If we do not learn to fellowship with God’s Spirit—this sounds negative, but it is absolutely true—we do not have a chance of making it as a victorious Christian. You might ask, “What is a victorious Christian?” There is only one place to define victory–that is by the Book of Acts. Everything must be judged against the absolute standard of the Word. In my own spiritual life, I have a right heart—I am hungry for God—but I do not have much victory as defined by the book of Acts. Relative to where I was a year ago, and relative to many other people, I am doing well. However, compared to the book of Acts, I am not doing so well, and I do not mind that. I am honest about that before God. I am humble in God’s presence, and I cry out for more because I have desperately fallen short of true victory as defined in the Word of God. It makes me hungry for God to see that. So, I am talking about victory in the absolute sense. You will never, ever be victorious until fellowshipping with your spirit becomes a way of life. Paul the apostle walked in continual communion with his spirit. I believe that the development of Paul’s soul is a picture of God’s will for the soul of every believer today.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 16:23:48 +0000

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