How many of you made a New Years resolution to get into shape! - TopicsExpress


How many of you made a New Years resolution to get into shape! Dont just talk about it!! Do it!! Working out shouldnt be about getting skinny...its about being healthy! Its about being the best version of you & having a better quality of life for you, your children, your loved ones, etc. I have done so many workouts and nothing compares to Les Mills Combat! I busted my rear doing SEVERAL different workouts. Insanity was probably the hardest & the only one I thought for sure Id get results! I busted my rear doing insanity & lost some weight a FEW inches but still hated it! I kept myself on a very strict healthy eating lifestyle as well. I had to wrap my ankles, paused the work out to throw up & continue, & still cried hating my body. Week 4 of combat I lost 10 pounds & 4 inches in just my waist. Ive been doing it now 5 months & have lost 13.5 pounds, 6 inches in my waist, 4.5 in my hips, 2 in chest, 4 in each thigh. Ive gained an inch in my arms but for the first time in forever from the HITs they are toned & I can lift more than 2 pounds lol Try it!! I promise you wont be upset! My friend here thats 24 has been doing it and by week 3 had already lost 3 inches in her waist & several all over her body while my other friend in her late 30s lost over an inch in her waist in just week 1 & its continuing to come off! You may not drop actual weight as quickly as youd like but think muscle weights more than fat & I promise you will see results that will continue to push you! Best thing is its a lot of fun & by far the best music EVER put to a workout! beachbodycoach/LYSSWIN
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 18:40:29 +0000

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