How should the Jubilee government improve the lives of its - TopicsExpress


How should the Jubilee government improve the lives of its citizens? The Jubilee Government is best placed to serve this great nation: They have the numbers in both houses; they have political support and the goodwill from Kenyans. Should they fail, they only have themselves to blame. So what do we want from the government? We want the government to: Enforce the rule of law, and adjudicate for fairness and equality; Support the unemployed particularly the youths, the poor, the sick, and the elderly through an appropriate policy that will change their fortunes; Construct more roads, bridges, expand airports, do more railways (to address the existing infrastructure gap) and provide for disaster relief; Defend the citizens against danger at home and abroad by providing an all-inclusive and proactive security; Protect the citizens from exploitation by unbridled capitalism and big companies whose main interest is to make profit at the behest of common man’s suffering; Protect the environment sustainably by ensuring it’s free from pollution for the good of our people; Support health research on deadly diseases and work towards preventing pandemic outbreaks. All these wishes are in the jubilee manifesto so Kenyans are not asking much but just saying implement the manifesto. KEY AREAS (PILLARS) OF JUBILEE MANIFESTO 1. The First Pillar 0f the Coalition: Unity (Umoja) National Cohesion: Eliminating Ethnic Division Security: Keeping Kenya Safe and Secure Trade and Foreign Affairs: A Strong Kenya, for a more Stable Africa Sports & Culture: Celebrating the Best in the World Healthcare: Towards a Healthier Kenya Education: Raising the Standards Youth Empowerment: Realizing the Potential Women’s Empowerment: An Equal Share Social Protection: Helping the Vulnerable 2. The Second Pillar of the Coalition: Economy (Uchumi) Growth and Development: Building an Enterprise Economy Manufacturing: Sparking an Industrial Revolution 38 Information & Communication Technologies (ICT): Digital Take-off Tourism: Only Kenya will do Land Reform: A Property-Owning Democracy Energy: Power for All Agriculture & Food Security: A Green Revolution Water: Towards Safe, Clean Water for all The Environment: Protecting Kenya’s Environment Transport: A 21st Century Transport & Infrastructure System Housing: A Decent Home for all Kenyans 3. The Third Pillar of the Coalition: Openness (Uwazi) Corruption: Cleaning up the Mess Good Governance: Working with the Civil Society Devolution: Power to the People Jubilee Coalition’s seven key pledges to all Kenyans 1. TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP: We will ensure the public service provides quality services and is accountable to the people. 2. A SAFE KENYA: We will expand, Equip and modernise our security agencies to ensure every Kenyan is guaranteed of their safety and that of their loved ones and their property. 3. EMPOWERING OUR YOUTH: We will equip our youth with the necessary skills, capital and opportunities to create wealth for themselves through securing local and foreign investment in new factories and giving tax-breaks, grants and loans to set up 4. A FOOD SECURE KENYA: We will ensure that our Agricultural sector can produce food in excess of the needs of our country by encouraging mechanization, irrigation, reviving cooperatives and farmer unions and subsidy for inputs. In addition, we will encourage value addition in the production chain and develop suitable marketing support mechanisms for our farmers. 5. SOCIAL JUSTICE: We will ensure that the rights of all Kenyans are preserved through good governance, democracy, and respect for the rule of law and social protection and welfare for the disadvantaged. 6. A HEALTHY KENYA: We will ensure that all Kenyans have access to well-equipped health facilities and well trained and motivated health care workers, in addition to developing systems to support health care and sanitation. 7. WATER AND ELECTRICITY FOR ALL: We will ensure that every Kenyan has access to clean water and sustainable supply of electricity by developing necessary policies to encourage investment in infrastructure for water and electricity provision We hope you will consider giving us your full support in the March 2013 elections. Change is definitely possible for our country, but it requires both “a will” and “a way.” There is clearly a will for change in Kenya, and the Coalition, if elected to form the next Government, is committed to providing the way to make it happen. “United by Vision – United for Kenya” GOD BLESS KENYA Uhuru Kenyatta | William Ruto | Charity Ngilu | Najib Balala
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 12:01:28 +0000

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