How the Healthcare C-Suite Can Impact Change: Leaders sculpting - TopicsExpress


How the Healthcare C-Suite Can Impact Change: Leaders sculpting the modern healthcare landscape At the top of every healthcare organization is the C-suite: The CEO, CFO, get the idea. And thanks to their elevated positions, they have the power to make real, impactful change on the healthcare environment. Through their leadership, skill sets, and unique vision, the healthcare c-suite is helping move this industry in new directions. Coming from Outside Whats interesting about the healthcare C-suite is that recent data shows many of them are being selected from external sources--about 60% percent, in fact. However, it also found that most internal COOs were the likely candidate to advance to position of CEO. But the fact that most healthcare leaders are hired from within the industry remains the same. Because of the complex inner-workings of healthcare, many candidates from external environments find it difficult to transition into the healthcare industry. CEOs at the Top At the top of the pyramid is the CEO--the one who acts more as an overseer rather than being assigned specific tasks. In todays world, a few of the CEOs goals are as follows: Build relationships with a variety of stakeholders Select and lead teams Guarantee accountability Guide the organization into new territories But aside from these big picture goals, C-suite leaders also have to stay focused on other important areas, such as learning and innovation, introspection and performance, and maintaining their personal drive. When a CEO can create a thoughtful blend of all of these goals, healthcare systems and hospitals flourish. They grow. They reach new heights. Making Change from the Healthcare C-suite The healthcare C-suite makes change happen in a variety of ways. Lets take a look at some of those different arenas. 1. Information gathering Buy studying hospital data, the C-suite works to produce progress reports which serve as benchmarks for goal achievement. This information is shared with the Board, and can help define the organizations key mission. 2. Making a Strategic Plan This plan sets clear goals with timelines, and the C-suite is in charge of making sure everyone is held accountable to work toward those goals. Its an ongoing, living strategic plan, says Robert L. Meyer, president and CEO of Phoenix Childrens Hospital to Beckers Hospital Review on the subject of making a strategic plan. You dont do it and just set it on the shelf; its very much a living document. 3. Measuring success When certain teams fall short of reaching goals, the C-suite steps in to identify what obstacles hindered the goal. They then adjust the strategic plan so it can be more effective, and possibly call for further education for team members to ensure that everyone is on the same page. Teamwork The C-suite is powerful, but it takes a whole network of team players for any healthcare system to work efficiently and to accomplish new goals. What is your C-suite known for?
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 12:00:18 +0000

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