How to Take Care of Pearls A pearl necklace or ring makes a - TopicsExpress


How to Take Care of Pearls A pearl necklace or ring makes a lovely, timeless addition to any woman’s jewelry collection. Pearls are an exceptionally sensitive gemstone, however, so you must take extra precautions in caring for them. Avoid exposing your pearls to any chemical or surface that could scratch the surface or deteriorate the calcium carbonate. Method 1 of 4: Daily Care Keep your pearls in top condition by limiting their exposure to acids and other chemicals. 1.Put your pearls on last and take them off first. As an organic gem composed of calcium carbonate, pearls are more vulnerable to the chemicals found in cosmetics, hair spray, and perfume. Dress, style your hair, apply your make-up, and spray on your perfume before you put on any pearl jewelry. 2.Limit your use of pearl rings and bracelets. These pieces are more subject to scratching since they sit on your hands. Never wear these pieces when you anticipate working with your hands, and limit them to special occasions. 3.Gently wipe your pearls with a soft cloth after you remove them for the day. A pearls luster can be damaged by even the smallest amount of perspiration. Removing your sweat from the pearls after each use helps preserve their luster. 4.Immediately wipe your pearls clean with a soft cloth if they get exposed to acid. Acid can come in the form of sweat, perfume, fruit juice, vinegar, or a number of other substances. The acid will break down the crystallized calcium of the pearl, ruining its luster and causing long-term damage. Method 2 of 4: Cleaning You should only clean pearls once a soft cloth is no longer enough to remove the dirt. Avoid harsh chemicals or brushes that could damage the pearl’s surface. 1.Gently apply a baby shampoo or another mild soap using a soft manicure brush. Harsh cleaners can destroy the pearl, and a harder brush can also cause scratches. 2.Support the strand if the pearls are on a necklace or bracelet. Do not stretch the thread as you clean. 3.Only use mineral water or distilled water to rinse your pearls. Standard tap water contains chlorine and other chemicals that can damage the surface of your pearls. 4.Gently dab the water and soap of your pearls with a dry, soft cloth. Do not let chemicals or water sit on your pearls too long. 5.Polish your pearls with a dry, soft cloth to maintain their luster. 6.Avoid jewelry cleaners or ultrasonic cleaners. These are too rough and will damage your pearls. Method 3 of 4: Storage Store your pearls in a manner that prevents them from getting scratched. Keep them separate from other pieces of jewelry, and avoid excessively dry conditions. 1.Fasten any clasps or pins before storing your pearls. These sharp metal objects could rub up against the pearl and cause scratches. Unclasped strands may also become tangled. 2.Keep your pearls in a separate compartment, away from other jewelry. Other gems may scratch the surface of the pearls if they come into contact with them. Even other pearl pieces may have metal elements that could scratch the pearls on a separate piece, so store each pearl piece in its own compartment. 3.Consider storing your pearls in a silk bag, velvet-lined box, or satin-lined pearl folder. Taking this extra precaution will ensure that nothing else scratches your pearls. 4.Never store pearls in a plastic bag. Some plastics can emit a chemical that, over time, will cause your pearls to deteriorate. 5.Store pearl strands flat to avoid stretching out the string. Avoid hanging them. 6.Do not keep pearl stored in a safe or safety deposit box for an extended period of time. These dry conditions will dehydrate you pearls, causing them to develop small surface fractures. 7.Keep a glass of water inside a vault or safe if you must store your pearls there. This will help humidify the air, slowing down the dehydration process. 8.Keep your pearls stored in a jewelry box or other case. Avoid jewelry boxes with windows that expose your jewelry to light. Long-term exposure to sunlight can cause your pearls to turn yellow. Method 4 of 4: Long-Term Care Pearl jewelry naturally weakens over time. Replace weak strands and keep your pearls away from harsh conditions to prolong their beauty. 1.Avoid long-term exposure to strong light or heat above 140°F (60°C). These elements can dry out your pearls, causing them to crack. 2. Examine strands of pearls for loosening strings. If the threads begin to fray, you should have your pearls restrung. 3. Have your pearls restrung every one or two years, especially if you wear them consistently. Even if you do not notice visible signs of wear on the strand, the string will likely start to fray by then. 4. Ask your jeweler to knot the strand in between beads to provide the strand with added protection. This way, if a string breaks, you only lose a single pearl. Moreover, a knotted string keeps your pearls from rubbing against one another, which helps reduce surface scratching.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 12:12:52 +0000

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