How to deal with confusion of the soul I remember when I was - TopicsExpress


How to deal with confusion of the soul I remember when I was just a teenager and I had just given my life to the Lord Jesus Christ. I didn’t want to be spiritual in any way; I just wanted to be a churchgoer. I didn’t want to serve God in any way or in any capacity. I ran away from associating with any one that I deemed ‘spiritual’ The reason for this was that I was greatly confused in my soul then! Somehow, somewhere in my mind was the belief that when you are spiritual or you move closer to God, then you will expose your self to demons and all kinds of demons and spirits will start appearing to you and chase you all over the place. So, I thought, I am just okay with being a silent, background Christian. I didn’t know my thoughts were already being manipulated and oppressed by the very demons I was trying to run away from. Now, here is a quick background to that. I got again in the ‘S.U’ days. Those days were characterized with almost everybody who is spiritual having a ‘deliverance’ ministry. I know a couple of them, and I hear them when they talk and it is always a story of after praying for somebody, then a ‘Queen of the coast’ appeared in the night to beat him up and all that! A brother once ran into our house in those days and said a demon chased him into the house! Now, I didn’t want all that spooky experiences! I was young in the faith, a few weeks old, so hearing all the stuffs made me run away from any commitments in church! I got a confused picture of what it means to be close to God! As a result of that confusion, I was slow to responding to God’s call upon my life. But something happened to me while I was on campus. I had listened to Benny Hinn’s tape on “Holy Spirit Reality” and I saw that he didn’t mention any demon despite his closeness with God. I saw that getting closer to God and having a relationship with the Holy Spirit is the greatest thing that can ever happen to any human being. It is the greatest privilege that any man has! I listened over and over to that tape, and for three days, I was in my room alone with God. In those three days, something happened to me. I can only describe what happened to my soul with one verse of the scripture: He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his names sake. (Psalms 23:3 KJV) That was what God did for me and everything about those erroneous beliefs left me. I saw God in His right picture. In those three days, as I could not move out of my room because of the awesome presence and glory, God practically restored my soul. As I stayed in His presence, he rejuvenated my spirit and He renewed me from within. I was ready to mount up with wings like an eagle. It was an experience I would never forget. In those three days, I would feel God’s presence or anointing come upon me and move all through my body. All the fears I had about demons disappeared. I now actually wanted to see any of them that will dare come near me so I could deal with them! An unusual boldness came upon me. On the afternoon of the third day, there was a knock on my door. A student, one of the students in the hall where I stayed was brought to my room, that he was sick. I wanted to ask them, ‘Do I look like a Doctor?’ But then, I knew something has happened to me. His temperature was so high that you could feel it by just touching him. I said okay, I will pray for him. As I laid my hands upon him, I saw exactly what Benny Hinn described for the very first time. The guy just fell and passed out. The other guys that brought him were scared. After a while, he got up, perfectly healed, temperature normal and he was okay. So news went round the hall, and before I knew it, they were calling me everywhere to come pray for folk. I must have prayed for hundreds of people in those days and something amazing was, God granted a hundred percent healing to all those I prayed for. All kinds of plagues and afflictions were healed! It all happened because God restored my soul. Without restoration of your soul, there will not be direction. That is why that scripture says, ‘He restores my soul, and then He leads me…” As you begin a new month, decide to start with God. Decide to honour God and spend some time in His presence. Join us in the three days fasting starting from today and be a part of it. God has a plan for you, the devil tries to come with his own plan as well, but I declare over you this day, that only God’s counsel will stand in Jesus name! I curse every spirit behind confusion and I declare that God’s light dawn upon you soul today! In that relationship, courtship or marriage, receive the light of God in Jesus name!
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 19:29:04 +0000

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